I'm running 4x Blood DK and 1x HPally and it's been fun. My end-game is wPvP and because I'm pretty new to multi boxing the suitability of the Blood DK has really helped whilst I geared up and got used to it.

They are very good at PvE considering item level.

If I could go back, I would do 5x Hunters next time as I think they would be awesome. The reason I chose DK (and looking back it is a good choice) is the grip for PvP. I have 8x grips and it really does close gaps.

In fact, have started levelling a hunter team but don't have any heirlooms as currently on new b.net accounts. Got to level 10 and gave up, came to research how fast I can do 10-100 in dungeons and never logged them again!

Blood DK are good in wPvP, very good at PvE but seem to lack damage in instanced PvP such as BG's. I can mince through single players but once a few more players and healers get involved they don't seem to have the ability to burst through.

Might look @ respeccing to Frost for a bit of fun in BG's.