Quote Originally Posted by Devile View Post
I haven't tested it yet, but feedback seems positive. Some ppl getting a bit higher than with FB. I like a lot the fact that it's tankier. I wanna try 3 wizards + support Crusader, see how that works. Wasn't very familiar with Chantodo's, but this kinda cleared a few things that didn't make sense to me:

That was a good video, it also means that it scales off of int. So if you can't get a 1% less arcane than fire roll (EX my APD are amazing but have 16% fire) i have to choose between 15% arcane (which is hard to get) or just int on my amulet.

That being said the tals wizard spec is basically LoN bombardment in playstyle. Get 20 stack chantodo's, turn into archon for 3 ticks then wait another 30 seconds or so for another archon.