Thanks for the feedback!

I leveled the team up to near max. Hunters are undoubtedly the best current multibox DPS... it's not even close, in terms of ease of play compared to performance. You can spend much less time on configuration and get much better performance when using hunter DPS, can stay always on the move, and have a few other benefits. If all you are looking to accomplish is the "optimum" setup, it's hard to argue that hunters are the way to go under the current system.

Certain fights are easier with the melee team than the previous team, other fights are harder, overall I'd say it's more annoying to get the same performance. At the end of the day it simply requires more hotkeys be used overall to take care of them. Enemies that cleave are plain miserable as it is extremely difficult to get the melee characters to position in a way that they don't get cleaved. General ground effects, ie. fire on the ground, aren't bad as the tank typically needs to re-position anyways and they can keep attacking while chasing the mob from behind. It can get gnarly though if they decide to run off which seems to happen frequently on some enemies.

The number 1 benefit to the group over the previous group is the AOE cleave. Areas and mob packs that group up for easy cleaving can be melted fast.

I noticed that a lot of the issues with IWT spawn from the delay between assist targeting and performing the interact. Basically, it attempts to interact with target before the assist has functionally finished, so the character attempts to fire an interact with a dead target or some distant target (such as a zone boss) that it locked onto on it's own. A trick that I found to work is to bind the key press on my melee interact button to perform the assist action. The interact is then bound to key release. What makes the whole thing work is physically holding the key down for a fraction of a second so the interact isn't fired immediately. It's cut down on melee mishaps significantly though it was tricky to get used to having a key that needs to be held down instead of just jabbed furiously.

Another thing to note is that it is fairly difficult to setup DPS rotations that actually give decent DPS on these characters, specifically for the rogue. I definitely wouldn't recommend for someone new to ISBoxer or someone that is looking for a "laid back" gaming experience. I did get it down eventually after many hours of wailing on training dummies and adjusting and now the rogue puts out good DPS but it took a lot longer than with other characters.

In WOD, and I imagine it will be the case in legion, movement is king and unfortunately I think that the melee team is going to struggle significantly in end game dungeons until they out gear them significantly.