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    Without knowing the exact context of the DK Manifesto point being made there, it's my best guess that what they are talking about is related to the two step macro and what's off cooldown at the moment of the key press(or release). Regarding a "dynamic collision" and key presses, each key press can only result in one action, per the rules multiboxing software authors voluntarily abide by. Only one step, or one key combination can be sent at a time. If there are multiple actions you expect to see happen with a single key press, in reality the program is systematically handling them one at a time. They're distinct and unaware of each other, like being in different train cars on the same track, so there's no chance of the DK "hearing" the Mage combo. You may think you're spamming very fast, but to the computer it's like a year is passing between key presses.

    The same holds true for multiple macros/actions in a step. They are executed in order as the program comes across them. They're not being simultaneously broadcast as a collection.

    Is that what you were asking?
    Last edited by Fogyreef : 04-19-2012 at 07:03 PM

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