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  1. #1


    Tell ISBoxer About your Monitor Setup
    Under window layouts right click and pick new. Highlight "Regions and you'll see a screen similar to below, unfortunately the "Autolayout" button wont work if you have 3 monitors like I do, but thats the price we pay for power now isn't it?

    Anyhow, click Autolayout and you'll see this wonderful dialog. Chose 5 sessions, and if you have dual monitors and want the "thumbnails" on the 2nd monitor check that box. Make sure to check the "I want session 1 to have it's own inactive slot" as well, I find this MUCH more intuitive than my original layout option where the sessions get all shuffled about. hit OK and you'll see how IS will layout your windows. If you don't like it, drag and drop them, resize them, play with it, etc...

    Now drag your character set (mine is "Sons of Sam") from the top pane down to the "character sets" portion of the left pane, you'll see it's added. This tells ISBoxer that when I play "Sons of Sam" I want it to utilize this layout. If you want to do 3v3 you can create a special 3v3 layout and drag your 3v3 character set down, etc... very flexible!

    Configure your "repeater" profile...
    I didn't create screenshots for this section since it's so absurdly easy... in the top pane right click "Repeater Profiles" and create a new one. You don't need to set hotkeys, whitelist/blacklist.

    On the left pane click on "repeater" and in the right pane make sure you have "Show fake cursor in repeater target windows when mouse repeat is enabled". This is a totally awesome feature that makes this mouse repeater 100x more usable!

    Drag your character set from above down to the character sets list here, and make sure startup defaults have both key and mouse repeater disabled.

    This is great, but when do I get to shoot something?
    So, you wanna shoot something... lets setup a keymap to allow that to happen! Right Click Key Maps in the top frame and create a new one, name it "DPS Keys". Select it and in the right frame click the "Use FTL Modifiers" box.

    After you create this keymap, drag the character set down (In my example this is Sons of Sam) and drop it inside just like you did with the Window Layout.

    The first thing you need is a way to target your enemy! So lets create an assist button that utilizes the VERY powerful FTL system. Right click "Mapped Keys" in the left pane, create a new key and name it something logical, since I use backspace as my assist key, I named it backspace, you could call it "assist" or "target" or even "steve". Also in the left pane, click the name of the mapped key, and in the right pane you'll see where you actually say what key you are mapping. In this screenshot you see I map this to my G11 key which is a little finger away instead of the Backspace which is all the way across the keyboard. Since this isn't a movement key I don't need to hold it while I hold the key, and I'm using the FTL Modifiers.

    Now right click on "steps" in the left pane and select new to create a new step. Steps are also used for Round Robin and other advanced support, since we want to do the same thing EVERY time we press this key, it's set with 1 step. If you wanted to do something different each keypress, you could setup multiple steps. For now, stick to one, it'll make more sense when you start playing.

    Now on the left side click on step one, and on the right side add an action by right clicking "actions" and selecting "New World of Warcraft Macro Action". For the target set it to all with current, set the key to be backspace, and down near the bottom check the box that says "But first..." and assist the hot character.

    The mechanics of this step aren't visible right now, but this step is very important. What we just did was had ISBoxer create an FTL Assist Macro that will be available to each character in game and bound to their backspace key. The end macro looks something like the assist macro below, and is 100% the same thing hundreds of multiboxers smash thousands of times a day - but it's made for you instead of you working hours to polish it out.

    /assist [nomod]player;[nomod:alt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Samam;[nomod:alt,mod:rshift,nomod:ctrl]Sarnam;[mod:lalt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Samarn;[mod:ralt,nomod:shift,nomod:ctrl]Sarnarn;[mod:lalt,mod:lshift,nomod:ctrl]Samarri

    So now you have a way to get your target, lets shoot it!
    We are going to make keys 1-= into your DPS keys, if you don't want to use those hotkeys, you can do this with any key on the keyboard, but it has to be something WoW recognizes.

    Working in the same keymap create another key named "DPS 1", set the key you press to activate this to the 1 key, and then add a step. Click on the step in the left pane and then in the right pane right click on Actions and choose "new Keystroke action" twice. The first keystroke action set to send the backspace key to all of your windows including the current. The second keystroke action key you have set to send the 1 key to all of your windows including the current. This creates a single button on your keyboard that presses backspace and 1 at the same time, much the way people press A and W at the same time to strafe forward and left. This button will cause your alts to assist your main, and attack his target.

    Repeat this for keys 2-=. Unless you don't need more than 1 hotkey to kill everything!

    Next we create some control keymaps...
    If you were to export all this to Innerspace and launch wow right now, you wouldn't be able to do much, but don't get restless because we are close to the end now!

    Create another new KeyMap - this one name "Control Keymaps". Inside Control Keymaps setup three new mapped keys, name them "Activate Hotkeys", "Activate Key Repeater" and "Activate Mouse Repeater". Give each of them two steps, one step to turn on their related feature, one step to turn off their related feature. You can do this with a single step called "Toggle" but I find seperate steps much more reliable.

    In the left pane click on step one of Activate Hotkeys, then in the right pane right click and pick key map actions, new key map state action.
    Set it to target all w/current
    and to turn DPS Keys off.

    Do the same thing to create a 2nd step that turns these keymaps on.

    Now repeat both of these steps for activate KeyRepeater and activate MouseRepeater, using "New repeater action" instead of "new key map state action".

    Next we need to create 5 hotkeys to tell Jamba when a character is now the leader. I use the X16-X20 keys for mine, and each one sends the key combination ctrl-` to the appropriate window. Make sure to use the action type "New world of warcraft macro action" and put the macro text:

    /jamba setmeasmaster all

    Optionally you can add:
    /jamba-follow strobeonme all

    Once you have all this setup, drag the keymap from the top pane down to the character sets to tell ISBoxer that you want to use them.

    Virtualizing the
    Virtualizing the will allow you to have distinct settings on all copies of wow, but at the same time just use one copy of wow instead of worrying about simlinking, copying, maintaining addons, etc.

    In the top pane create a new virtual file and name it, then drag this down to each characters left pane. Once you've done this, click on the in the left pane, and you can virtualize it as whatever name you want in the right pane. I just number mine 1-5.

    But wait, thats it?
    Go to the ISBoxer file menu and select Export all to Innerspace. When you right click Innerspace in your task tray you should now have an option to launch your character set. Now in theory this works, this was a complete rewrite from the ground up, I may have missed a thing or two so if I did, please leave me a note here and I'll clarify and update as needed!
    Last edited by Khatovar : 03-23-2011 at 08:25 AM Reason: size=omg
    [> Sam I Am (80) <] [> Team Doublemint <][> Hexed (60) (retired) <]
    [> Innerspace & ISBoxer Toolkit <][> Boxing on Blackhand, Horde <]
    "Innerspace basically reinvented the software boxing world. If I was to do it over again, I'd probably go single PC + Innerspace/ISBoxer." - Fursphere

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by zanthor View Post

    Next we need to create 5 hotkeys to tell Jamba when a character is now the leader. I use the X16-X20 keys for mine, and each one sends the key combination ctrl-` to the appropriate window. Make sure to use the action type "New world of warcraft macro action" and put the macro text:

    /jamba setmeasmaster all

    Optionally you can add:
    /jamba-follow strobeonme all

    Once you have all this setup, drag the keymap from the top pane down to the character sets to tell ISBoxer that you want to use them.


    Im new to this multiboxing software and cant seem to figure this out exactly on setting this process up. I have used Octopus before, but it has been a couple years and this is a lot more advanced. Anyone able to shed some light on what this means exactly and the steps I go about making these keystrokes?

    Do I add them into the Key Map: Control Modifiers?

    Im confused and getting flustered. >.<

    Edit: Sorry for bumping such an old post...but most of the info still seems to be spot on.

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