Quote Originally Posted by 'Jaws5',index.php?page=Thread&postID=94280#post942 80
I dont know what spec your locks are but if you get improved voids as two pets and imp as third you should be able to do ramps BF , slave pens, mana tombs, etc.
i ran 4 locks and 1 shadow priest this way. (pvp server) did most of lvling in instances. Make locks afflic heavy and you may have to drop imp on some of bosses and make one priest heal voids but it is doable. with right spec

Actually only have 4 toons. The 5th one I never leveled up.

They all hit 65 tonight and I'm mostly out of quests other than a few here and there. Been taking about 12 hours per level lately, mostly having to just grind or do collection quests in between. Of course, a few hours of that is pvp as I tend to drive by gank everyone I see (with consequences - lots of being camped by multiple 70s). So let's say 10 hours per level

Grinding yields about 35-40k per hour unrested (pitiful, I know), and this is doing pulls of 10-12 mobs at once with dots and fear bombing them.

Tried blood furnace tonight with the four to see if clearing the first few rooms of trash and resetting could work for grinding, and so far it looks promising (got cut off by server shutdown). I'm hoping it'll be 1.5-2x faster than regular grinding, and that should be what I need fill in the gaps between quests.

Both priests are shadow and both warlocks are affliction with imp voidwalkers.