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  1. #1

    Post New Server - Key broadcasting allowed

    Wouldn't we all love to read that !?

    I would be willing to pay twice the monthly subscription fee if they would give us our own server...

    Has anybody really tried contacting somebody helpful at Blizzard and asked for this?
    Maybe Microsoft is open to making a little more money from the game.

    I've been playing other games, tried other MMOs (like Final Fantasy), but nothing compares to the polished game of WoW. I really tried to like Final Fantasy, but everything from their silly naming conventions (FC instead of guild, job instead of class, etc etc) to the clunky interface just kills it for me. I'm constantly comparing it to WoW and it always comes up lacking. Alot of people I talk to in the game came from WoW and miss it too...

    There are alot of things that Blizzard has done wrong imo -- Pathfinding, Level Squishing, Monster Scaling, Dragon Flying, etc. If they were smart and wanted people to play their game, they would just give people what they wanted. Create some type of server instance states where customer policies could be used (no pathfinding, no monster scaling, whatever). In this day and age you would think they could even make custom servers that auto-scale as needed and just lock people into that server / ruleset.

  2. #2


    I’ve been fantasizing about (classic) multiboxing broadcasting allowed servers as well for a while, but I don’t think it’s happening ever
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Moorea View Post
    I’ve been fantasizing about (classic) multiboxing broadcasting allowed servers as well for a while, but I don’t think it’s happening ever
    I multibox a 5 man team in SOD and so far all is good. i make all my toons follow each other in the wild and use a button to make the slaves run on their own. Then I make them re follow each other when they stray too far.

    i only have them bunch up once im in an instance.

    Also, when someone stops by and makes a comment or watches, i stop and say hi from a couple toon and move them all around to try to show a semblance of normality.

    I think most people think I bot, so once I engage them, they usually carry on. Also, I have been reported by some people but nothing has happened as I have each keys bound to one window. For exemple, when I fight, I spam 1,2,3 and 4. 1 goes to the tank, 2 to a dps, 3 to another, etc... so technically, its one key press per window. Gotta use macros to get the rotations down.

    my mouse thumb buttons send commands to my healer. f1,f2,f3,f4 are my oh shit buttons. F sends taunt on my tank... Its not as nice as before, but I have downed everything except sunken temple, I play that on my main in a guild...

    I got used to spamming 4 keys at once... its loud but gets the job done

    oh and follow is G1,G2,G3,G4... again, one button per window. im using isboxer to set that up but its one key, one action per window,...,

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Atwaa View Post
    I multibox a 5 man team in SOD and so far all is good. i make all my toons follow each other in the wild and use a button to make the slaves run on their own. Then I make them re follow each other when they stray too far.

    i only have them bunch up once im in an instance.

    Also, when someone stops by and makes a comment or watches, i stop and say hi from a couple toon and move them all around to try to show a semblance of normality.
    Ha! Thought I was the only one doing this!

    I wouldn't play at all if I couldn't box anyway so no loss either way.

    *Edit* I also try to keep them all different races.
    Last edited by Pocahuntess : 05-03-2024 at 11:23 AM

  5. #5


    If the rules hadn't changed I imagine 5boxing arcane mages in SoD would have been busted.

    Sadly, Blizzard decided they don't want me as a customer so I'm not going to continue to support them by playing around their rules. There are plenty of other games that allow boxing I'd rather give my money to.

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