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  1. #1

    Default Unintentionally awesome change for multiboxers

    They just made some huge changes to leveling and how the world scales, which if you have boxed this game in the past you know the overworld was a complete joke for boxers and dungeons were the challenge. Now you can scale the challenge up to crazy difficult levels even for groups to complete. Leveling and simply taking a 6 box group through the campaign just feels great and challenging.

    watch this for the best insight to the changes

    if you're bored, try it out.

  2. #2
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    This feature is pretty exciting, but I dislike the presentation in the video. He's essentially saying that other games have boring leveling experiences because it's too easy, and this latest feature in LotRO is the savior. Look, I hope this works out for LotRO and I would certainly be tempted to try it (solo or multiboxing), but let's not kid ourselves that most players do want a quicker leveling experience in older content, especially when the game's level cap is one-hundred-and-f'ing-forty.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
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    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post
    This feature is pretty exciting, but I dislike the presentation in the video. He's essentially saying that other games have boring leveling experiences because it's too easy, and this latest feature in LotRO is the savior. Look, I hope this works out for LotRO and I would certainly be tempted to try it (solo or multiboxing), but let's not kid ourselves that most players do want a quicker leveling experience in older content, especially when the game's level cap is one-hundred-and-f'ing-forty.
    I concur on the presentation - it feels like an awkward spin, where they call out other MMOs for a cash grab, and they offer the same cash grab. This basically looks exactly like what DDO does as far as difficulty adjustment - minus the cost - and considering they're owned by the same company, not a surprise. Shockingly, it worked really well in DDO - people run almost all the old content on different difficulties as the actual endgame, before they "TR" and start over, to do the same thing again. A clever way to use what you have - not sure how that translates to LOTR online though, DDO you really couldn't truly multibox, you can just use it to park an alt at an entrance and maybe cludge some other stuff, but not much more.

    I think it was fun just blowing through the content on WoW by getting powerleveled by a main.
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