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  1. #1

    Default Anybody boxing Alliance Classic WotLK ?

    Wanted to check to see if anybody is boxing Alliance Classic Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK)?

    Now that my kids are out of school for the summer I am working getting enough PCs for us to 5man together and I am thinking I will upto 5box when no kids are on.

    I will be doing Alliance so curious if anyone knows of any good servers for Alliance to be on?

    It would be great if there are other boxers as maybe we can try to 10 box some content or help each other if/as needed so I figured I would ask...

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by nodoze View Post
    Wanted to check to see if anybody is boxing Alliance Classic Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK)?

    Now that my kids are out of school for the summer I am working getting enough PCs for us to 5man together and I am thinking I will upto 5box when no kids are on.

    I will be doing Alliance so curious if anyone knows of any good servers for Alliance to be on?

    It would be great if there are other boxers as maybe we can try to 10 box some content or help each other if/as needed so I figured I would ask...
    I'll be doing my team next weeek (4xsham,1x pp) on Firemaw-Wotlk
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