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  1. #1

    Lightbulb <Epic> Blaumeux PVP Alliance - Active Multiboxing Guild - Join Us!

    Why Join <Epic>?
    Epic was formed at the launch of Classic Wow by Moorea, a well known member of the community. Since classic launched we've grown to over 80 characters in the guild with 20+ regularly online during prime time hours.

    If you're looking for a group where you'll fit in as a multiboxer and won't have to deal with drama from guild members who don't like boxing, we're here for you. As we're primarily made up of multiboxers, we talk dungeon strategy, epic loot, multiboxing tips, and generally what we're up to at any given moment.

    As we've built up an active group of players we aren't a 'flash in the pan' guild with one or two people actively playing. While we're still leveling and often doing our own thing, we're looking forward to PVP or PVE raids made up of multiboxers and exploring what's possible in classic.

    Why roll a team on Blaumeux?
    Even if you already have an existing team, we'd love to have you join us on Blaumeux Alliance. Rolling solo isn't nearly as much fun as playing and chatting with guildies!

    Server population metrics provided by wowhead show Blaumeux's factions at an exact 50/50% split of Alliance and Horde, making it an extremely balanced PVP server. The server also boasts a healthy population, hitting High or Full status at peak hours but rarely having much if any queue post launch.

    Ready to join?
    Message anyone in the guild for an invite, or join our Discord:

    Moorea and Cutelock's Teams in Stormwind

    My trinity team defending Astranaar from the Horde scum

    More screenshots coming soon!
    Last edited by tsincaat : 09-14-2019 at 11:28 PM

  2. #2


    I have some friends on Blaumeux and its definitely a good server to roll on. Good to see a multiboxing guild going there! If they ever open up transfers I know that could be an option .

  3. #3


    Welcoming a recent new addition
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  4. #4


    I will surely join when\if I'll make an alliance team

  5. #5


    that sounds great! I multiboxed (only 3 x) back in bfa a bit and it was quite a bit of fun.
    after leveling solo on wow classic for some time now, I thought more and more about how cool it would be to be independent on quests and other ppl and having my own 5x group. At the same time I would be interested in gearing up my 5 man team for raids and therefore I thought about looking for ppl with similar mindsets to form a raid grp with mutliboxers.
    this guild sounds like the place to be! when i set up everything and start leveling I will for sure chose this server and give you a message

    edit: ah damn you guys play on US Im on EU
    Last edited by Punix : 09-20-2019 at 02:04 PM

  6. #6


    opsa sorry, hey @tsincaat​or a mod, can you add "US" in the title somewhere
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  7. #7


    We had 8 teams of 5 today online at the same time! a new record!
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  8. #8


    just an update that we are still welcoming everyone and that lowbies team are most welcome as we are anyway taking our time to even just hit 60
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  9. #9


    What does the faction ratio look like now? I've tried looking around for info and it sounds like a lot of Alliance have left and it's more horde dominated now?

  10. #10


    yes, it’s hard to get precise figures but indeed there are more hordes than allies now (which mean it’s easier to rank but can be annoying while leveling)
    during “normal” (weekend prime time) hours it’s not horrible for allies but it can be rough at other times
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

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