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  1. #1

    Default Will /follow focus work in Classic?

    Hi, I just want to clarify that /focus is working in Classic, as I have read something about there being no focus in the game?

    For example, I use /assist focus /cast spell_name on all my slaves in Retail, and wanted to have the same setup in Classic.

    I use HotKeyNet to broadcast keys.

  2. #2


    there are no focus, so you'd have to replace that by something else (like target or use ema's master)
    5,8,10 boxing wow with Wow Open Box and MAMA, give them a try!
    (was 8 Boxing Wow with HotKeyNet and ISBoxer)
    Join many boxers playing Classic on US PvP Alliance: <Epic>@Blaumeux
    Was streaming on

  3. #3


    In HKN you can use "<If ActiveWinIs WoW1>" to send different keys based on who is active.
    You can make FTL follow and assist with it.

  4. #4


    Ah ok. This sucks a little as I like to keep macros generic with /follow focus or /assist focus rather then actual toon names.

    But this is something that can be setup easily in ISBoxer right? I was thinking of resubbing to ISBoxer for Classic, maybe this is the push I needed!

    Blizz pls why no focus
    Last edited by stubbadub3000 : 08-24-2019 at 08:23 PM

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by stubbadub3000 View Post

    Blizz pls why no focus
    After some googling, the way we got focus working prior to 2.0 was using a mob's unique ID. They took that away (to limit some excessively intelligent macros supposedly) and added Focus as a default UI behavior. In reverting back to classic they left in the safe API calls but took out Focus since it wasn't technically in before 2.0. We didn't get access back to unique ID's so that we can put focus back in like it existed in 1.13.

    Might be some budging on it in a few weeks but I'm not expecting /focus back. Makes CC annoying without it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by gormless View Post
    After some googling, the way we got focus working prior to 2.0 was using a mob's unique ID. They took that away (to limit some excessively intelligent macros supposedly) and added Focus as a default UI behavior. In reverting back to classic they left in the safe API calls but took out Focus since it wasn't technically in before 2.0. We didn't get access back to unique ID's so that we can put focus back in like it existed in 1.13.

    Might be some budging on it in a few weeks but I'm not expecting /focus back. Makes CC annoying without it.
    Oh, it will make running MC a bitch!!!! Focus target or a script to focus is the only way you can easily keep a mob CC'd and attack another mob in the middle of 40 people stacked on top of each other. When the com comes for everyone to focus the OT's target, but you have to find the OT in raid frames, click on them, then click on their target....yeah people aren't going to be happy.

    Focus wasn't in the game, because we had something much much better....we could just write scripts to target a specific mob. Makes no sense that they didn't leave Focus in the API...absolutely none.

  7. #7


    I just use /follow nameofleader and /assist nameofleader. Like /follow jinkobi and /assist jinkobi. Has always worked fine for me... If there was some specific mob I need CC'd for extended periods, I'd just write a macro for the character CC'ing and put it on a separate key from all others.

    If I was in a raid needing to focus on a offtank target- I'd just /assist offtanksnamehere

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by jinkobi View Post
    I just use /follow nameofleader and /assist nameofleader. Like /follow jinkobi and /assist jinkobi.
    Yep this is how I will have to do it, I just find have specific masters/slaves being called out in macros annoying when you change masters/slaves.

    It would be amazing if focus is brought back in!

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