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  1. #1

    Default [Classic] Good farming team?

    I've been thinking about multiboxing in classic wow. Multibox leveling and gold farming is pretty fun. I just can't decide what I'd like to play.

    In draenor I played 5 feral druids, which was awesome for ganking and it made farming mobs really fun, easy, and fast. So I'd like to play a melee team again. (assuming they don't disable interact with target on classic servers)

    I'm thinking of:
    • 5 enhance shamans
    • 5 combat rogues

    Enhance because I guess that's the easiest to multibox (for farming at least). Just spam shocks and stormstrike.
    Rogue because I heard it's the best melee dps (maybe after fury war?). But I don't know if that's also the case when multiboxing. And I won't bother getting great gear either.

    Feral doesn't excite me that much, already did it in draenor. Didn't give warrior too much thought, cause I don't know anything about it. Don't want paladin, cause I'm rolling horde.

    So what do you guys think is the best or easiest melee class for multibox farming?

  2. #2


    If you do decide on the 5 rogue comp you may be better off dropping one of the rogues and using a resto shaman in his place. Your groups DPS with 4 rogues having Windfury and Strength of earth will be almost as high if not higher then 5 rogues without it. You'll be able to pretty much chain pull once you get some gear on your shaman as he wont have to drink often.

  3. #3


    I have limited vanilla experience. So this is just my uneducated opinion.........But I would think switching a druid in for 1 of the rogues would be ideal. 4 rogues are going to tear stuff up, but they have no healing. Warlocks with 1 priest, or warriors with a HPally sounds fun as im thinking about it.

  4. #4


    Damn.. Now I'm even more unsure of what I want to play. The 4 rogues + 1 resto shaman idea sounds really nice. I could just have the resto shaman as my main char that I control, and use all the rogues as pets. Sending them off to kill mobs with interact with target.

  5. #5
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    I'd go do some research on how things worked in Classic. Lots of things were not just "spammable" like they are today. Things like, if you spam cast you'd interrupt your spellcasts in some cases (see: spell queues), hunters had to stand still to shoot and had very few instants, casters had very limited mana even if you used their efficient spells, etc. I'm starting to remember some things when I see someone mention them but it's been over a decade. :P It's gonna be interesting (assuming they don't screw it up) to have to re-learn a bunch of class mechanics.

    Enhancement Shaman was definitely a pretty straightforward class to play, though I don't recall them being complete EZ-mode as they were pretty squishy, as the Un'Goro Tyrannosaurs can testify.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by pobdoq View Post
    I've been thinking about multiboxing in classic wow. Multibox leveling and gold farming is pretty fun. I just can't decide what I'd like to play.
    I can't decide either, lol.

    Can you expand on what you mean by gold farming? Where do you plan on gold farming?
    Earthen Ring - Horde - 7 boxing
    Cuddle Buddies - 4DK, 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Disc Priest, and 1 Resto Shaman | Armory 5v5 Cuddle Buddies
    ex Kilrogg - Horde

    Team Acid Wuvablez - 4DK + 1 holy pally | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Acidloves, Acidhugs, & Acidcuddles | Armory 5v5 Love You Bye Bye
    ex Garona - Horde
    Team Acid Dessert - Quad Shaman | Acidcake, Acidfudge, Acidicecream, & Acidmoarprz
    Team Acid Hackers - DK + 3 Rets | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Ceralkillah, & Loardnikon

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Acidburning View Post
    Can you expand on what you mean by gold farming? Where do you plan on gold farming?
    I have no idea yet where I'd farm gold. Can't remember much from vanilla. Using tyr's hand as a point of reference, when I'm trying to decide what team would be best.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by pobdoq View Post
    I have no idea yet where I'd farm gold. Can't remember much from vanilla. Using tyr's hand as a point of reference, when I'm trying to decide what team would be best.
    so open world gold farming and not instance farming?

    5 enh shammys would shred through Tyr's Hand.
    If you go rogues, should add a healer and one that can rez. Shaman or Priest.
    4 rogues and a unique ehn shaman that can melee and throw out some chain heals + windfury. You will be cruising.
    Earthen Ring - Horde - 7 boxing
    Cuddle Buddies - 4DK, 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Disc Priest, and 1 Resto Shaman | Armory 5v5 Cuddle Buddies
    ex Kilrogg - Horde

    Team Acid Wuvablez - 4DK + 1 holy pally | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Acidloves, Acidhugs, & Acidcuddles | Armory 5v5 Love You Bye Bye
    ex Garona - Horde
    Team Acid Dessert - Quad Shaman | Acidcake, Acidfudge, Acidicecream, & Acidmoarprz
    Team Acid Hackers - DK + 3 Rets | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Ceralkillah, & Loardnikon

  9. #9


    I thought pallies were always good in vanilla? Im sure at 60 I was soloing SM. coz I rememeber farming that, I got enough gold to buy my faster mount in the new expansion.

  10. #10


    If you're going to be farming open world, you'd be better off doing 4x Warlock + Priest i should think. Or even 4x Mage + Priest, spamming Arcane Explosion + Holy Nova worked quite well back then, not to mention(not sure if it'll be a thing still) you can use lower spell ranks across all Casters to reduce mana costs and kill faster.

    Also keep in mind it's entirely possible we won't even have IWT on the Classic server(s), so boxing melee is going to be like it was back then where you had to run your main through the mob and then turn so the others are directly behind it.
    Last edited by Uhnknown : 01-12-2019 at 10:56 PM

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