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  1. #1

    Default Boxing with hunters

    Whats best way to make them stop. If I where to to do 1 warrior / 3 Hunters / Druid.

    I need the Hunters to stop and not move while killing since vanilla doesnt allow them to shoot while moving.

    Just thinking ahead.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Runamuck View Post
    Whats best way to make them stop.
    I always try to do as much as possible with as few hotkeys as I can.

    According to MiRai, hunter IWT behaves as it did during Wrath, not moving into melee while using ranged attacks. You could use the interact with target keymap in ISB by placing a step with "line formation" prior to interacting.

    This will do 3 things with 1 button. You can interact with targets for completing quests and such, tap interact when attacking an enemy to stop all of your characters and start attacking or hold interact to spread your hunters out in a line.

    Line formation is useful for PvP. Spread your hunters into a line, tap follow and then interact to stop them again. They'll all be facing towards each other. If they're spread out enough somebody tries to deadzone one of them, circle strafe around you or AE fear, the others will still be able to shoot.
    Last edited by Apatheist : 06-19-2019 at 09:37 AM

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