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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Implodingjigsaw View Post
    In PvP he ran Arcane / Fire for PoM + Pyroblast, but yeah he also used Holy Nova a lot on his Priest from what i remember and have seen.

    Gotcha thanks, that makes sense.

    I suggest everyone stay clear of hunters. I cant imagine having to deal with ammo again, along with the dead zone and pull trapping.

    If blizzard is going to eventually release Burning Crusade then ele shamans are the way to go once that is out.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Tire View Post
    Gotcha thanks, that makes sense.

    I suggest everyone stay clear of hunters. I cant imagine having to deal with ammo again, along with the dead zone and pull trapping.

    If blizzard is going to eventually release Burning Crusade then ele shamans are the way to go once that is out.
    Oof, yeah - Hunter's, imho, would be very very sketchy in Vanilla, that inbetween spot where they're stuck not being able to shoot would be a pain to get around at a times if you weren't 100% on top of aggro, and i can't remember when they made it so you could actually shoot while moving. Not to mention the ammo situation, lol.

    I don't think i'd consider anything other than Priest + 4x Mage or 4x Warlock, and maybe 5 Shamans.

  3. #23
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Implodingjigsaw View Post
    Oof, yeah - Hunter's, imho, would be very very sketchy in Vanilla, that inbetween spot where they're stuck not being able to shoot would be a pain to get around at a times if you weren't 100% on top of aggro, and i can't remember when they made it so you could actually shoot while moving. Not to mention the ammo situation, lol.

    I don't think i'd consider anything other than Priest + 4x Mage or 4x Warlock, and maybe 5 Shamans.
    I think the hunter movement largely came along with the talent redesign (read: dumbassification) with the possible exception of Aimed Shot. I don't recall having any of that in the 30/21 build days. Which is why Feign Death resists were so annoying. [edit] Old talent calc shows Arcane shot as instant, but I recall that being a mana hog as BM.

    FYI, the old patch notes up through 1.12.x are here if y'all are interesting in some historical reading.

    [edit2] The more I look at this, I wonder if 4-5x shadow priests would be worthwhile due to Vampiric Embrace healing for 30% of damage output. I seem to remember that working somewhat but I do know I never made it to max level with them and my memories from vanilla are...chaotic and admittedly somewhat rose-tinted.
    Last edited by Ughmahedhurtz : 01-14-2019 at 10:08 PM
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  4. #24


    I remembered seeing some videos of 4-5x Spriests from back in Vanilla and the self healing alone was pretty crazy, so i went and checked what the % on Vampiric Embrace was back then(on It seems to be 20% with the option to put 2 talents into Improved Vampiric Embrace for another 10% total. So yeah, i think the self healing alone would be pretty good.

    Also lol Feign Death resists, i remember going afk while FD in Ironforge once and came back to my Hunter actually dead, fun times.

  5. #25


    Hunters for PvE can actually quite be pretty solid. An owl with screech provides spamable AE threat and traps are the only long duration CC that works on any mob type. Problem is the dead zone is a pain for PvP and you have no way outside of trinkets to remove AE fears.

    Shadow priests run out of mana very fast, have no AE damage spells (unless you take holy nova which is extremely expensive to cast) and are very squishy despite the 15% reduced physical damage from shadow form. Vampiric embrace has a 10 second cooldown so you can only generally cast it on 1-2 targets most fights and if you're focusing damage on that target enough to produce significant healing, it's going to die first leaving you without healing. It works reasonably well on single target fights but for AE grinding or dungeon trash it's pretty slow.

    Warlocks are better in every way IMO. If you're willing to forgo the convenience of a mage for portals and free water a healer +4 warlocks will be one of the stronger all-round PvE/PvP teams for many reasons.
    Last edited by Apatheist : 01-15-2019 at 10:00 AM

  6. #26


    Also, not to mention Warlocks and Paladins get free mounts iirc. That'll help save on gold.

  7. #27


    I had so much fun playing 5 warlocks in vanilla when farming; only open world. I was not a very good player back then so instance runs (apart from SM) were out of the question.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Apatheist View Post
    Dungeon farming will earn you more ...

    ... Adding a warlock to a farming group will also give you the ability to recall your looter (by leaving your group while inside a dungeon so that you're automatically teleported back to your bind location. Ie. no hearthstone cooldown) sell junk and then summon yourself back.

    ... Hearthstones have a 1 hour cooldown in classic and travelling is a huge timesink.
    This sounds really smart.

    Are you summoning the person that left the group back into where you are deep into a dungeon or does your group have to leave the dungeon and summon from just outside the dungeon entrance?

    The reason I ask is because I am wondering if a similar benefit could be achieved without actually having a Lock in my main 5 man party?

    If I leveled up 5 level 20+ Warlock alts on the same accounts and parked them at up to 5 main Dungeons/locations that I care about could I not get essentially the same benefit for up to 5 dungeons/locations?

    If that is true then my though was then maybe to limit it to 4 locations and keep the 5th Warlock as a floater for double summons...

    By also parking two level 1 alts with the 4 parked Warlocks I should then be able to use those 4 parked Warlocks to move the entire party between the 4 sites by summoning 2+ party members and the 5th Floater Warlock and then using the 5th Warlock to summon the rest of the party...

    If that works then that would be kinda like having 4 direct mage ports to the locations I care most about... If I wanted more I could maybe level another party of alt warlocks to level 20...

    If Classic Wow servers do allow Free to Play accounts to level up to 20 like they do on live then maybe this could be done simpler with some extra F2P accounts ;-)
    Last edited by nodoze : 06-10-2019 at 03:23 AM

  9. #29


    Overall, I think 4x mage 1x disc will be also insane due to several facts.

    Frost ring that gives 1% to stun and 23 frost dmg that has no dr on stun effect. Pair that with 4x characters, that is 8x 1% to get 5 sec stun.
    Undead plus priest buffs give you nice dmg ressitance on shadow, and of course 20% extra dmg on 3 min cd. Frost fire setup for longer mana consumption.
    Tailoring chest gives you 600 mana back+gem so you're looking at 2k mana back swiftly plus mana pots, you can easily get near 3k mana.

    Both arcane explosion and blizzard have no cap so you can theoretically pull an entire dungeon with a single mage (where mount allows) and then kite it back to other 3 mages and just anhilate shit witth 4x imp blizzard. (we'er taking 50 + mobs and they still die ultra fast).

    single target dmg is insane with fireblast and ingnte (4x)

    This is the calculator for mage. Basically, mana reduction talents with spell penetration for world pvp. Ignite with extra added range, pyroblast for pulling bosses. 4/5 Winter's chill (5 is not needed) and hit talents. Pair that up with priest holy nova for some quick heals, priest stun. added spirit buff/sp/ you're looking at same really good thing. (given that follow is available)

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by nodoze View Post
    4 parked Warlocks to move the entire party between the 4 sites
    You have to summon outside the dungeon entrance but I generally sell junk and repair after I've completed a run and I'm going out to reset anyway so that's not an issue. Several dungeons have convenient repair NPC's already.

    Placing a couple of warlocks at key flight paths on different continents could be useful. Flying to Menethil/Theramore and waiting for a boat is often what takes the most time. Having a summon to Chillwind Camp would be nice. I farmed Scholomance a LOT on my warlocks trying to get the robe pattern and SM is my default location to boost alts for a pretty broad level range -- like 21-43 or something. The run with low level characters to get from Stormwind to SM is a pain.

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