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  1. #1

    Default Best way to level a 5 man team?

    I have a 5 man team I’m leveling right now and was wondering what the best way to level would be. The group is composed of a tank, heals and 3 dps so I get insta q’s. I’ve just been doing dungeons to level so far and haven’t tried questing or mob farming really. Would either of these be better overall?

  2. #2
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
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    Oct 2008
    Seattle Washington, USA


    Quote Originally Posted by Silasdaplug View Post
    I have a 5 man team I’m leveling right now and was wondering what the best way to level would be. The group is composed of a tank, heals and 3 dps so I get insta q’s. I’ve just been doing dungeons to level so far and haven’t tried questing or mob farming really. Would either of these be better overall?
    Depends on the level range you are currently in, but generally speaking the fastest way would be to do each dungeon once for the quests then quest the rest of the time.

    Experience for mine and herb nodes is very good, be sure to learn both professions on all.

    If you're 100'ish the legion invasions are still really really fast. Get handynotes for the treasures and rares to do as well.

    Here is a post going into more discussion.

  3. #3


    Currently level 37. Didn’t know herbing and mining was actually decent experience wise. Thanks 👍🏻 I’ll take a look at the thread.

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