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  1. #1


    so this was leacked a few days "before" the gameplay Demo at Blizzcon

    some really cool stuff there if its true but it seems very likely

    -Classic WoW is in a pre-alpha state, mostly all quests done. They started working on dungeons and battlegrouds.
    -17 devs are working on the game, 2 former Nost-devs for assuring authenticity.
    -They don't think there will be a long beta phase.
    -Only changes: Improved textures and spell effects but still using the old models. Improved view distance and colorblind mode. will have some restrictions on PVP servers.
    -8 servers per region, 4 PVP, 2 PVE, 1 RP-PVP and 1 RP-PVE.
    -No ingame shop at the start.
    -Sub will be included in retail WoW or you pay less for Classic only.
    -Launch about April/June 2019.

  2. #2


    Oh wow... that's exciting!

  3. #3

    Default Classic wow 5man farmcomps?

    Thinking about :

    1 shadowpriest +4 affli warlocks.

    The priest debuffing for the locks.

    Goal : Openworld Farming/PvP

    What do you guys think would be fun to play?
    Which comps would be great for openworld farming like tyrshand?
    Which comps for dungeon farming?

    Let me hear your crazy stuff :P

    We're trying to keep all Classic discussion in one thread at this time until we have more information and a release date is closer, so the above post has been merged into this thread.

    Last edited by MiRai : 10-01-2018 at 06:09 PM

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadone View Post
    Thinking about :

    1 shadowpriest +4 affli warlocks.

    The priest debuffing for the locks.

    Goal : Openworld Farming/PvP

    What do you guys think would be fun to play?
    Which comps would be great for openworld farming like tyrshand?
    Which comps for dungeon farming?

    Let me hear your crazy stuff :P
    I have been struggling with ideas since the announcement.

    World PVP vs Dungeon farming for PVP vs Fun.

    4 shammys and priest
    warrior, 3 shammys, priest
    5 druids. bear, 3 dps, 1 restro. Stealth, world pvp, messing with Alliance in their towns.
    Earthen Ring - Horde - 7 boxing
    Cuddle Buddies - 4DK, 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Disc Priest, and 1 Resto Shaman | Armory 5v5 Cuddle Buddies
    ex Kilrogg - Horde

    Team Acid Wuvablez - 4DK + 1 holy pally | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Acidloves, Acidhugs, & Acidcuddles | Armory 5v5 Love You Bye Bye
    ex Garona - Horde
    Team Acid Dessert - Quad Shaman | Acidcake, Acidfudge, Acidicecream, & Acidmoarprz
    Team Acid Hackers - DK + 3 Rets | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Ceralkillah, & Loardnikon

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Acidburning View Post
    I have been struggling with ideas since the announcement.

    World PVP vs Dungeon farming for PVP vs Fun.

    4 shammys and priest
    warrior, 3 shammys, priest
    5 druids. bear, 3 dps, 1 restro. Stealth, world pvp, messing with Alliance in their towns.

    4 twohand windfury schammys could be funny :P

    Perhaps sticking a paladin wouldnt be a bad idea too.they level like horsehit solo but got some usefull buffs/auras later on.
    And they are the better 5man tanks because of the aggro generation (if i want to go that route later).

    3 Warlocks
    - 3 tankpets for pve (elite mobs)
    - 3 curses on each enemy (dot/50%castime slow/movementspeed reduce etc)

    1 Shadow
    - debuffing shadow damage for warlocks
    - silence
    - 10% stam buff

    1 Paladin
    - heals
    - buffs
    - auras

    the question is : Does the shadow push the 3 warlock damage enough or should i better get a 4th warlock instead. anyone got an idea?
    Last edited by Dreadone : 10-02-2018 at 02:59 PM

  6. #6


    From what I recall the magic number was minimum 4 warlocks for a spriest to be worth including to buff shadow for them.
    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

  7. #7


    I'm thinking (assuming /follow is in, which it should be since it IS classic):

    Spriest+4afflocks - dots everywhere in PVP, lifetap for mana, VE for health replenishment. Spriest mana is an issue. Dungeons would be hard.
    5 shaman - mobile artillery in PVP. No reliable cc. No dungeons.
    4 shaman+boomkin - mobile artillery in PVP. Respec your boomkin and 1 shaman for dungeons and you're fine for 5's.
    priest+4mages - big single target and big aoe in PVP. Gimmicky but doable 5mans (lots of cc) for dungeons (Xzin did it anyway).
    or a rogue/druid combo If I don't want to 5 box - leave the druid in the bushes to heal/dps if your rogue gets in trouble. double stealth everywhere for open world pvp goodness.

    IMO It's hard to argue with the aoe firepower of priest+4mages for BG's, especially with mouse sharing being a thing now where it wasn't in original classic (5 blizzards dropped on their bunched up team in AV anyone?). The shaman are a little more durable, but I'd bring the druid instead of a fifth shaman to give me some flexibility for dungeons. I don't love shaman when melee gets on top of you though versus aoe fear or frost nova/blink of priest+mages or the auto tracking drain spells of locks/spriest. The healing of the spriest/lock group is the weakest, but they are also all pretty beefy HP wise compared to mages. And dotting the hell out of everyone in BG's is pretty entertaining (and redundant...I did it with 5 Spriests in BC).

    Still a lot to think about and a long time to think as well. I do expect /follow to work in Classic even if it's only a FU from Blizzard saying "No no no, you told us you wanted CLASSIC. Well here it is, just like it was in 1.12! Suck it up and learn to deal with multiboxers!".
    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

  8. #8
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    I'd been operating on the guarded assumption that they would make the content, talents, spells, gear, mounts, and scaling work like it did in Classic, but all the other game rules/limits would be kept up to date with the current specs, e.g. no /follow in PVP, enchants on gear have minimum iLevel requirements (no crazy twinking), boss tethering, no stacking Reckoning, CC diminishing returns, etc.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  9. #9


    If they don't make it like real Classic what's to stop everyone from going back to private servers where Blizz makes no money from this venture? You lose the hardcore "no changers" because you made QOL changes and that's not 1.12, and the "changers" will never stop screaming for the next QOL change they think is a requirement to existence. No one ends up happy if they make changes.
    I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A bird will fall frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.

  10. #10


    blizzard already come out and said they using the "new" client with the current anti bot cheats system in place (that why follow was removed from bgs)

    so no.... there will not be follow there.

    As for you well it was in classic there was less boxers in real classic, as well as your p server comment most of them ban out boxing anyway and what there amiming off was nostalrius that banned us anyway. as well from my understand there is devs from there so there not going to be happy happy that we be on retell..

    as there will be pvp realms then all we can do is hope it works in wpvp.

    PS: there was not IWT in classic i feel it be something we will have though as there using a newer client

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