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  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Kojiiko View Post
    Enhancement Tank? Has a shammy ever been a tank? I dont in vanilla they were tanks were they?
    Rockbiter used to increase your aggro generated by the weapon that had it applied to it for 5 mins + increased attack power, i'd imagine it'd work quite well, maybe even more so with a faster weapon, like one of the 1.3 / 1.4 daggers you'd use with Flametongue *shrug*

  2. #122
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Implodingjigsaw View Post
    Rockbiter used to increase your aggro generated by the weapon that had it applied to it for 5 mins + increased attack power, i'd imagine it'd work quite well, maybe even more so with a faster weapon, like one of the 1.3 / 1.4 daggers you'd use with Flametongue *shrug*
    Yes, exactly.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  3. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by Apatheist View Post
    Healers don't really have mobility in classic. 99% Of druids healing comes from various ranks of healing touch, the same with priest. Renew and rejuvenation don't do anywhere near enough to keep anybody alive outside of a few particular raid encounters where spamming a low rank renew across the raid can be beneficial. There are also no purge protection talents in classic so your shields and over time spells will be constantly removed in PvP. HoT's aren't a reliable source of healing.

    Druids also don't get a proper resurrect in classic. They only have rebirth which is on a 30 minute cooldown. Paladins can do everything a druid can do but better IMO. They heal better, they tank better, their buffs are better and they get a proper resurrection. The only reason to choose a warrior over a paladin is if you plan on playing the warrior tank solo in raid content. For boxing 5mans and PvP, a paladin will provide far more to your group.

    Shamans have huge issues with mana in classic and do poor DPS. You'll have trouble finding a raid spot as elemental and the only reason guilds bring enhance is to buff the melee group and provide the spell damage debuff on bosses from

    That being said, I have played with a guy who boxed 4 resto shamans and successfully cleared most of MC, ZG, Ony & BWL with 4 resto shamans cycling downranked chain heal spam on the raid. Worked pretty well. Less overhealing than 4 individual shamans trying to snipe health bars from each other.

    Check this addon out

    Your rage issue trying to hold AE threat on several mobs mentioned at 11:04 is exactly the reason I like paladin tanks for boxing classic dungeons. Park your alts around a corner, pull to the corner and drop consecration so everything runs onto it and you'll never lose threat on your tank. I can't say enough about paladin tanking 5mans. It makes the whole experience so much smoother. Trying to hold threat on more than 2 targets with a warrior while managing alts is a huge pain in the rear.

    Especially with mages as DPS since your paladin will have unlimited food/water to fill up between pulls. Plus all the other benefits I've already mentioned. It's perfect.
    Hard for me to move to Alliance. I agree. I would play 5 paladins.

    It would be fun to run some raids, but I don't think that is going to be my goal. Good to hear about 4-5boxing restro shammys and having success raid healing. That is def the way to go for me. Find a guild that would be cool with that.
    Earthen Ring - Horde - 7 boxing
    Cuddle Buddies - 4DK, 1 Holy Paladin, 1 Disc Priest, and 1 Resto Shaman | Armory 5v5 Cuddle Buddies
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    Team Acid Wuvablez - 4DK + 1 holy pally | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Acidloves, Acidhugs, & Acidcuddles | Armory 5v5 Love You Bye Bye
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    Team Acid Hackers - DK + 3 Rets | Acidburning, Crashohvride, Ceralkillah, & Loardnikon

  4. #124


    I'll definitely be rolling 5 Shamans and maybe even rolling up a Priest + 4 Mages(or Warlocks) too.

    I ran across this post while lookin' around for multiboxing Shamans back in the day, has some info on stacking totems, etc. -

  5. #125


    Quote Originally Posted by Implodingjigsaw View Post
    I'll definitely be rolling 5 Shamans and maybe even rolling up a Priest + 4 Mages(or Warlocks) too.

    I ran across this post while lookin' around for multiboxing Shamans back in the day, has some info on stacking totems, etc. -
    The information on that site is from TBC. Totem of Wrath, Wrath of Air Totem and bloodlust weren't introduced until 2.0.1.

    I can't see the point of an all shaman group in classic. Shamans lack the burst and a lot of the utility of later versions. In dungeon level gear you're OOM in like 10-15 lightning bolts. The only real benefit shamans bring for boxing is fear protection which can be achieved in other ways.

    Enhance is equally unappealing to me. You have no way of dispelling roots and slows so a single mage could keep your whole team locked down indefinitely. Perhaps 4 shamans and a priest? Could work I guess. This is assuming interact with target will still be available when classic releases properly.
    Last edited by Apatheist : 11-16-2018 at 03:13 PM

  6. #126


    I can see your point, but there also isn't(or wasn't) much multi-class groups going on in classic iirc(i could be wrong, it's definitely been awhile). But from what i recall there were a lot of 4x Mages, 4x Warlocks, 1x Priest with 4 Mages or Warlocks(even 4-5x Priest for Holy Nova? The AE heal with the Arcane Explosion visual, even stacking lower ranked renews etc), and of course the 4-5x Shamans.

    I say that because from what i remember, all classes(or maybe 2 class) comps were all it really took in classic to kill things, you didn't need to min/max buffs and what each class brought to the group. You could very easily get by with just 4x mages, 4x warlocks, Shamans with LB / CL(totems for healing / fire nova x5 close range players, stagger tremors, chain heal on yourself, lesser ranked heals x5 etc).

    That's not to say that mixed comps aren't viable at all, but you can still very easily do content without them *shrug*. Also in response to you saying a single Mage could keep a whole team locked down indefinitely? All you'd need is LB x4-5 and then ES / FS x4-5, and that Mage is more than likely dead.
    Last edited by Uhnknown : 11-16-2018 at 04:57 PM

  7. #127


    Quote Originally Posted by Implodingjigsaw View Post
    That's not to say that mixed comps aren't viable at all, but you can still very easily do content without them *shrug*..
    If you're purely interested in PvP, elemental will do fine. I don't see enhance doing well without some way to remove roots/slows. In PvE, however, you will struggle clearing dungeons with an all shaman team and I doubt you'll find anybody willing to bring you to raids unless you respec to resto.

    Warlocks and hunters are interesting because pets can actually tank dungeons fairly well in classic. I've done both all the way through DMN, BRD, Strath, etc. Paladin is a great option (again) for healing pet tanks since you can cast blessing of salvation the warlocks and your pets will hold threat a lot better even versus shadowbolt spam.

    Then, for PvP, you can switch to felhunters for fear protection. AE Fear only hits 5 targets, with 4 pets you have 9 so unless you get extremely unlucky you'll always have a dispel available for your healer and then the healer can dispel the rest of your team.
    Last edited by Apatheist : 11-17-2018 at 08:45 AM

  8. #128
    Member sethlan's Avatar
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    how about a mix, 1 orc warlock 4 orc ele shamans -
    RiP 10 box team! - Failarena. US -
    Current Team - TBC - Duo-Boxing |Warlock/Priest
    2v2 arenas and battle grounds!

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  9. #129


    x1 druid x4 rogue sounds tasty.
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  10. #130
    Rated Arena Member Kruschpakx4's Avatar
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    i really like that proposed idea of going resto shaman boxing for raids, from what I've seen they're quite useful due to mana tide in caster groups, 4-5 would fit just fine in a raid

    So then you could get 5/5 zg set for having 41 yard range lightning bolts in pvp. Then there is that aq20 blacksmithing boe shield which has a 3 sec silience chance when hit by spellcast. And of course the ultimate goal, the shard of fallen star trinket from aq 40 which hits for like 1k. However whats really annoying then is the 50 gold cost on every respec...

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