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  1. #1
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Winter Is Coming

    Default <Automata> Mal'Ganis US Horde

    Automata is temporarily closed for recruitment until further notice.
    The guild is not going anywhere, and the people who are currently in it, and active, can stay. There will be some restructuring at some point in the near future after Shadowlands is launched, and will likely re-open sometime shortly after that.


    After being forced, by Svpernova, to play Horde (it's a long story), I decided to create a multiboxing guild on the U.S. server Mal'ganis, where him and I, among others, will be spending some (or most) of our time in the coming months in preparation for the next expansion, Battle for Azeroth.

    Right now, the guild is nothing more than a storage center for my newly created teams, but after I get several things set up, I expect to be active on almost a daily basis as I level my characters, starting from level 1. After that, my plan is to move forward with end-game content, including basic world quests, mythic dungeons, and LFR, as well as trying to find other players to group up with (either same-server or cross-server) in order to raid.

    Now, I'm certainly not opposed to world PvP, but: 1) it won't be my main focus, and 2) unless CRZ is in effect, then there are almost zero Alliance on this realm. Battle for Azeroth will bring a PvE/PvP toggle for the outside world, and that is likely when there will be slightly more focus on PvP.

    As for the server, Mal'ganis has always been one of the highest ranked progression realms since the beginning, and is home to well-known Horde guilds such as Elitist Jerks and The Goon Squad. It's located in the Chicago, IL datacenter, uses a US Central (GMT-6) timezone, and is a highly active realm in both PvE and PvP. It does happen to currently be a PvP realm, but that will, of course, change when the next expansion is released.

    If you're interested in joining, then I suggest that you first read the FAQ posted below.

    Last edited by MiRai : 10-29-2020 at 05:38 PM
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  2. #2
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming



    __What are you hoping to achieve with this guild?

    Ultimately, what I'd like to create is a multiboxing guild that is mine, but one that is also open to other multiboxers who may be interested in joining. Today, there is certainly a desire to being on your own realm, and that is understandable. Multiboxers, like most other players, have established themselves on their own realms over time, and I don't expect those players to just up and move over to Mal'ganis simply because there's a new and exciting guild, especially since the implementation of cross-realm technology has given anyone who plays on a certain faction, the ability to group with anyone else from that faction, who is also in your same region.


    New multiboxer looking for a home? Come on over!
    Feeling like you could use a fresh start? Come on over!
    Tired of playing Alliance? Come on over!
    Want to hang out with MiRai from time to time? Come on over!
    Waiting to see if the guild will actually develop into something before making a move? Understandable!
    You refuse to join because you think I look goofy and/or you hate my videos? No problem!

    I'd like to have a guild that is active and open to other multiboxers who would like to join. If it ends up eventually attracting a lot of players, fine, but if it ends up being just me, that's fine too.

    __What significance does the name "Automata" hold?

    The name has no real significance, but "automata" is the plural form of "automaton," which more-or-less means "robot." Yes, I know, I know... multiboxers do their best to distance themselves from that dirty word, along with anything related to automation, but I've been kinda digging the robotic/automation theme for awhile now, and I think the word fits because I am using "barcode" names with my characters.

    Personally, I believe there to be a major difference between naming your multiboxing guild <Automata>, and naming it <Hacking>, <Bots>, <Cheater>, or some other term to purposely rile up players who do not agree with the multiboxing playstyle.

    __Are there any requirements to join the guild?

    1) Forum Account
    You need to have an account on this site so that I can put your forum name in the public note for everyone to read and know who you are. Over time, if multiboxers continue to join the guild, it's nigh impossible to keep track of who is who unless they have a very distinct naming scheme for their characters. Having your forum name in the public note helps alleviate that.

    2) Character Names
    The following character names will not be allowed in:

    • Names that look like cancer due to heavy use of non-alphabet or non-English characters (e.g. MǖlŧîꞵøꭙḠøÐ)
    • Names that contain words or phrases that are meant to provoke those opposed to the multiboxing playstyle. (e.g. Cheater, Hacker, Botter, etc.)
    • Names that contain words or phrases that are normally not allowed, but clever tactics were used to bypass in-game restrictions.
    • Names that are (or hint at being) sexist, racist, political, or contain other forms of hate speech.

    Silly names, serious names, and/or names that have a theme to them—great! An accent mark or two over the letters in your name—understandable, seeing as it's a very established server and the available names are, at this point, scarce.

    __Are there any rules or guidelines once we're in the guild?

    No, the guild will be a lawless thunderdome. /s

    1) Etiquette/Behavior
    It's very simple: I ask that you not be an asshole to other players.

    Multiboxers already have it difficult enough, and it doesn't matter whether it's party chat, raid chat, trade chat, guild chat, or a private message... don't be a douchecanoe. It's not that difficult to take the high road and just ignore the haters. Feel free to try and reason with them, or use your wit to play with them, but simply attacking others through text, speech, or emote spam is not going to be tolerated. Simply report and/or ignore them, and move on.

    2) Tech Support
    Questions about your software setup, class compositions, macros, add-ons, or any other theorycrafting is 100% allowed and encouraged.

    However, please do not get angry when no one is willing to completely stop what they're doing and give you one-on-one technical support. Some of us have limited time to play, and playing the game is generally done in our free time. I, as well as others, answer questions on the forums and the Discord throughout the day, and when we're playing the game, we're not normally looking to dive right back into that.

    Also, keep in mind that you might not be getting purposely ignored, and it may just be that whomever is online is heavily focused on whatever activity they're currently engaged with.

    __Is there a care package for those with nothing who create a team on the server?

    Right at the moment, I cannot offer anything. I was well-established on Sargeras Alliance, and I have nothing on the Horde side on any server (nor have I transferred anything over, yet). However, once I gain my footing, then care packages will be offered, but there is no ETA on that. #BlameSvpernova

    __What happened to the multiboxing guilds on both Sargeras and Bleeding Hollow?

    They're still there, but they've been inactive for quite some time. I have my Alliance multiboxing characters on Sargeras and they're still in that guild, and I may dabble in them from time to time, but Svpernova (we're still blaming him) gave me a chance to start fresh with some Horde characters, so I took it.

    __Why did you not keep the guild name of <Multiboxer>?

    I was actually the one who originally suggested that name to Lax back when we created the guilds on Sargeras and Bleeding Hollow. I do believe that it helps solo players identify with us for what we're doing, but it also makes it difficult to be incognito when you want (e.g. LFR). In addition to that, I do like a bit of a theme to my guild, as well.

    __Can you please tell us the story about how Svpernova "forced" you to move to Horde?

    Okay, fine.

    Lately, I've been seeing him playing on Mal'ganis, so I questioned him. He told me that he was changing factions for BFA and that if I wanted to play with him I would also have to change. He then laughed in my face and mocked the Alliance, yelling, "FOR THE HORDE!" Finally, he said that if I was really his friend, that I would change to Horde because that's what friends do... They blindly follow each other across factions and servers without question.

    Some of this story may or may not be true.

    __How can you label these questions "frequently asked," when you just created this thread and no one has had a chance to ask anything?

    No comment.

  3. #3


    Hello...I have been multi-boxing for several years. I have created a 5-team of Nightborne on Mal'ganis today and plan on leveling them up to 110. Will be reaching out for a guild invite soon.

    See ya all.

  4. #4
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    __How do I join?

    There seems to be some confusion on this, so I'm going to lay it out in several simple steps.

    1) Even though some of the FAQ is filled with fluff, I ask that you read it as it does contain information that should be understood and agreed to.

    2) If you don't have an active account on this site, then create one.

    3) Post in this thread stating your interest (it also helps to introduce yourself, as well, if you're new)

    4) When you have your team ready to go, find me or Svpernova on the dual-boxing live chat, or the ISBoxer Discord, to ask for an invite. You can also try to whisper someone that's on in the guild, but messages can be easily missed when you're focused on multiboxing.
    Last edited by MiRai : 01-30-2018 at 12:10 AM

  5. #5

    Default Looking to Join.

    Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post
    __How do I join?

    There seems to be some confusion on this, so I'm going to lay it out in several simple steps.
    1) Even though some of the FAQ is filled with fluff, I ask that you read it as it does contain information that should be understood and agreed to.

    2) If you don't have an active account on this site, then create one.

    3) Post in this thread stating your interest (it also helps to introduce yourself, as well, if you're new)

    4) When you have your team ready to go, find me or Svpernova on the dual-boxing live chat, or the ISBoxer Discord, to ask for an invite. You can also try to whisper someone that's on in the guild, but messages can be easily missed when you're focused on multiboxing.

    My name is Wendy. My main is a hunter named Wewenethiwa (A Sauk name that means "she is beautiful.) Most of my characters have Native American names. I am new to dual-boxing. So far I am just doing it with the 2 accounts. I headed about your guild and I am looking to join. My characters that I just made on your realm are ;

    Gouyen. Nightborne Priest (f Native American, Apache Means "wise" in Apache. This was the name of a 19th-century Apache warrior woman.)
    Ehecatl, Nightborne Priest ( m Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Native American, Nahuatl Means "wind" in Nahuatl. )

  6. #6
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    Quote Originally Posted by Wewenethiwa View Post
    My name is Wendy. My main is a hunter named Wewenethiwa (A Sauk name that means "she is beautiful.) Most of my characters have Native American names. I am new to dual-boxing. So far I am just doing it with the 2 accounts. I headed about your guild and I am looking to join. My characters that I just made on your realm are ;

    Gouyen. Nightborne Priest (f Native American, Apache Means "wise" in Apache. This was the name of a 19th-century Apache warrior woman.)
    Ehecatl, Nightborne Priest ( m Aztec and Toltec Mythology, Native American, Nahuatl Means "wind" in Nahuatl. )
    Welcome to the party. Everything has died down as of the last few months since the expansion is coming to an end. I didn't have time to do what I wanted with my teams, and I'm still behind on everything that I had planned (including plenty of real life stuff), so, instead, I'm mostly dedicating the last few weeks before the pre-patch to some solo characters and am enjoying it thoroughly.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post
    Welcome to the party. Everything has died down as of the last few months since the expansion is coming to an end. I didn't have time to do what I wanted with my teams, and I'm still behind on everything that I had planned (including plenty of real life stuff), so, instead, I'm mostly dedicating the last few weeks before the pre-patch to some solo characters and am enjoying it thoroughly.
    I have also hit the late expansion slog and currently working through Diablo 3 Season 14 with a solo Barbarian

  8. #8


    Looking to join the guild on Mal'ganis. Sent over some DMs on discord.

    At the moment I box a prot paladin, 3 hunters, and resto sham. Looking to change a few of those up... eventually.

  9. #9
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    Quote Originally Posted by oats123 View Post
    Looking to join the guild on Mal'ganis. Sent over some DMs on discord.

    At the moment I box a prot paladin, 3 hunters, and resto sham. Looking to change a few of those up... eventually.
    It's pretty quiet over here, but the next time you're online you can slap either Svpernova or myself around in the d-b Discord to ask for an invite.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  10. #10


    Considering coming over. Will create my own guild (for storage) and join up with Robots!!
    I have been mainly Horde since Vanilla but I have leveled alliance teams too.
    Guilds: Spirit of St Louis/Saint Louis
    US- Trollbane/Zuljin Horde and Alliance

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