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    Default Xeneres Mythic+ Videos

    Update: Ran a few more difficult dungeons checkout here:

    I ran a few more Mythic+ over the weekend. I also got my first 2 legendary out of one Mythic+1 Neltharions Lair(finally!). I got the DK cloak that increases AMS duration by 100% (10 seconds!) and it also makes any magic damage taken heal you. I also got the ring that increases my damage and healing while standing in DnD by 5%. These are some of the 3 legendary that I wanted. The other one I want is the one that refunds a portion of your runic power spent when your Death Strike heals you for 15%. I'd take either 3 but have a preference for the cloak due to increased ability to cheese fights.

    I also stopped being cheap and bought the mark of the hidden satyr neck enchant. It did about 5% of my damage on each toon. So it helped offset the tank nerfs. It has a fairly high proc rate maybe 4-5 a minute? I've seen it Crit for almost 300k on the paladin. There is another enchant that does the same thing but with a volley of arrows on a target. I believe both of them do the same thing just looks different. I think the Nightmare bolts look pretty cool.

    Several of my guildies have gotten their legendary out of mythic+ and their weekly chests. Maybe it has some kind of pity timer that increases your chance to get them the more mythic or mythic+ you do?

    I was able to get 2 chests out of every mythic+1 I ran. I ran 2 Maw of Souls+1 and finished them both in around 15-16 minutes. I also ran Neltharions Lair+1 and was able to get 2 chests despite pulling a trash pack + the last boss at the same time and I also did not kill enough trash so I had to die and run back towards the start to kill enough trash to complete it. I may of been able to get a 3rd chest out of that one had i cleared more trash. I was able to get a +3 keystone and skip+2 because of clearing +1 so fast.

    I got Blackrook+3 hold and Dark Heart Thicket+3 both had the affixes of Sanguine and since those dungeons are more heavy on the trash and difficult trash it made it more difficult to speed pull the trash. I was not able to beat the timer on any of the Mythic+3 that I ran. At +3 the bosses and trash had +26 % life and damage. Sanguine makes a pool of blood after each non-boss mob dies that damages you for 200k a second damage and heals other trash mobs that stand in it. The pools can stack so you have be careful on some packs. So I had to kill stuff and then kite the others out of the pools. They start small but grow about 6 yards wide. They didn't seem to despawn either for quite some time. Not all trash made the puddles swarm things like the fel bat pup gauntlet in blackrook did not spawn them or the bloods before Dresaron. However the whelps did spawn them and since you are in water and everything in that dungeon is red it makes the sanguine pools difficult to see.

    It took me about an hour to clear blackrook hold +3 and about 40 minutes to clear Darkheart Thicket. I maybe could have gotten DHT within the timer if I skipped more trash. I ran it right after messing up the trash Neltharion's lair so I was pulling more trash than was needed. I underestimated how much trash DHT has after the first boss. I did not wipe on any bosses in DHT. Some of the bosses in DHT were not scaled fully in HP, I suspect this was due to their mechanics being too healer intensive. The Archdruid and Oakheart seemed to have lower hp than what I was expecting at +26%. I struggled with the first boss in Blackrook hold all other bosses were mostly 1 shots. On the first boss I had to do my always moving strategy. The worst part was the swirling scythe I had to make sure I positioned myself so that I would not have any toons trying to follow me and run into it as it did a fair bit of damage. I also had a few messups with the reap soul and I did not kill enough sprits and got one shot when it did the AoE. It didnt help that on one attempt I mass gripped them into the boss; I meant to grip them out further. I started to kill at least 2 and then try to mass grip and finish off as many of the others as I could. I got lasered on the dreadlord but that fight is stupid easy aside from that. The only difficult part was surviving until Ravencrest gives you the buff. I'm not very good at predicting where the laser will be during dreadlords always seems like the first one is right on top of my toons or just behind me. Fun fact it does 6 million damage at mythic+3


    Maw of Souls+1

    Ymirion :

    --Well not quite at Ymiron yet. I wanted to show off that DK AoE DPS. They can do some very serious burst AoE with double Dancing Rune Weapon.



    Blackrook+3 Start

    Amalgam of Souls:

    Evil Spiders (almost always lose most of my team to them):

    Illysanna Ravencrest:

    These guys were fun with Sanguine and Mythic+3...

    Smashspite the Hateful:


    Neltharion's Lair+1:




    ---Note: I was pretty nervous about Naraxas. It always feels like I'm right on the verge of wiping but some how survive. This may be a fight like Odyn that turns into a nearly impossible fight on a higher difficulty. It's very melee unfriendly due to always having to bathe in the poison.

    Accidental Dargrul Pull + Trash Mobs Somehow Survived (Mythic++?!):

    Oops I need more trash(rip my timer...):

    A wild Legendary appears - One in Each Chest (2/5):

    Darkheart Thicket+3 Start:

    Archdruid Glaidalis:


    Dresaron (Non Optional in Mythic+):

    Shade of Xavius:

    Maw of Souls+1 (Round 2) Start:

    Ymirion :


    Last edited by Xeneres : 10-04-2016 at 09:16 AM

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