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  1. #1

    Smile Mythic Multiboxing 7/10 Mythic Legion Dungeons Complete

    Update 9-18-16

    10/10 All Mythic dungeons completed!

    I decided to make a new thread where I will be posting videos and screenshots of all 10 mythic legion dungeons I completed.

    Please Go Here for the new thread.

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    Last edited by Xeneres : 09-18-2016 at 05:02 AM

  2. #2


    Thanks for sharing! Love watching this kind of video!

  3. #3


    I've never tried multiboxing anything except a tank with 4x ranged, you're getting me to seriously consider going 5x melee. Those blood dk's look absolutely devastating!

  4. #4


    Great stuff! I'm wondering if the 5 prot pally team w/HoPx5 will make up for not having battle rezes. I mean you were keeping your DKs and paly topped off with just one HoP! Also.. looks like your Dks do a lot more dps..due to not having to heal?
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Lyonheart View Post
    Great stuff! I'm wondering if the 5 prot pally team w/HoPx5 will make up for not having battle rezes. I mean you were keeping your DKs and paly topped off with just one HoP! Also.. looks like your Dks do a lot more dps..due to not having to heal?
    1 Prot paladin is all I have needed so far to keep my toons topped off on most fights. I was learning King Deepbeard and just decided to go holy and killed him in one attempt after a few wipes as prot. I probably could have done it as Prot but I don't think I was spreading out enough so my toons were killing each other with the bubble and the aftershock AoE.

    DKs do significantly more damage, healing and feel way more durable and self-sufficient than my prot paladins. I've noticed this the most on trash and some bosses where the paladin will have to back out of an AoE mechanic while the DKs can rotate their short CDs and keep on dpsing and healing so long as they aren't taking 150-200k+ DPS for more than a few seconds. Still, like every tank in legion, they still need a direct heal from time to time to stay topped off. I probably taunt swap every 10-20 seconds while I fight a boss and the DKs are excellent at topping themselves back off so that the paladin really only uses HoP on itself or to cover a large hit defensive CD type mechanic. There are times when I cast Flash of Light if I cannot melee something and if a toon is about to die and HoP is on cd and the 5-6 flash of lights that they can do every 30-40 seconds seems to be sufficient in most situations.

    I think 5 prot paladins will work for Mythics but I believe having 4 dks is still superior with the battle rez, deathgrips, mass grips and their short CDs to nullify and mitigate a lot of dangerous abilities. Also having that 16% damage reduction passively via boneshield for most of the fights cant hurt either.

    An example would be on Odyns AoE on mythic does over 3 million damage which would easily 1 shot my paladin but the dks can just AMS and only take about 600-800k damage. Then when it happens again they can use vamp blood and go up to around 4 million life and ignore the mechanic again. They are slow but they have the ability to bring adds to them and group them up instantly to make up for their lack of mobility and they also have a 15 yard interrupt (well paladin shield toss is 30 yds but its part of their rotation and is probably on cd for when you need it)

    I honestly love Prot spec as my comps healer and think it actually makes a better healer in most stations since it allows me to increase my groups damage and throw out big 1-1.5 million heals on my dk every 5-6 seconds. It would take my holy paladin 5-6 casts (around 8-10 seconds of standing still or stutter stepping) to put out equal healing and it has to stay in the melee range death zone to be most effective and gets targeted by every ranged mechanic so sometimes it doesn't even get to heal anything but itself. At least as prot it can stay mostly toe to toe with my dks and will always be close to guide them out of bad things on the ground.

  6. #6


    Damn, didn't think anyone would be clearing mythics so quickly. And with no healer? I can't help but have a sensible chuckle about that since Blizz was pushing the whole "tanks are going to rely on healers a lot more now" angle.

    Impressive stuff, keep at it. ^^

  7. #7
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Wubsie View Post
    Damn, didn't think anyone would be clearing mythics so quickly. And with no healer? I can't help but have a sensible chuckle about that since Blizz was pushing the whole "tanks are going to rely on healers a lot more now" angle.

    Impressive stuff, keep at it. ^^
    They can't do that until normal heals land for more than 10% of someone's health. As it stands, my paladin in holy spec takes almost longer to heal someone from almost dead than eating food.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  8. #8


    This is great but remember they are easier if they are done without a keystone.

  9. #9


    Blizz said in the Q&A that they have a set of balance tweaks they'll be deploying before the first raid opens. I imagine in it we'll see tanks brought down quite a bit, and healers up a fair bit. In every instance and all the party WQs I've done my healers are always the weak link.
    "Tact is for those that lack the wit for sarcasm."

  10. #10


    I posted the YouTube Video with the Mythic Halls of Valor and Mythic Wrath of Azshara on the first page with some comments and timestamps.

    You can check the video out below.

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