Hello all, i have been planning on running some RAF since i recently startet on a new server..
So i will be leveling 10 toons 1-90 (with the exception of Warrior, which is lvl 100 already)

I am new to multiboxing, but have read the 'noob guides' here, so i know the basics (i guess)
I will be using HotkeyNet and Jamba

I will be making 1 subaccount, so i will be playing 2 instances og wow at the same time (1 master 1 Slave)
- Would you suggest making 1 more slave to make it more efficient, pleace bear in mind that im new to multiboxing, or will it increase significantly in differculty controlling more that 1 slave??

How do i manage to level all the different classes? Since i want to run LFD mainly (seems to be fastest atm) i would want atleast 1 tank/healer for each team. what would be the best setups?
if i must have a melee toon should i master/minion it, and what should i pair it with?
Would it be easier to minion a dps, healer or tank? -

Ive heard hunters should be pretty straight forward, and since i dont need the raf account after, i dont mind making 10x hunters on that acc, i just need what is easier, and most efficient

I hope some of you can help me with some of these questions Thanks