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  1. #1

    Default 2.4.1 Meta 4-men

    So, I know that some of you have already spoke of the "new" 2.4.1 Meta-Team, but let's start a fresh thread here so that it doesn't mix with season 6.

    At the moment I'm not using a Wizard, but I can go as high as GR75 (easily) with a Crusader Thorns/Invoker as a main dps plus the usual 3 zDPS. Maybe I'll switch to Wizard again, we'll see, but at least I can face the creatures, I'm not licking some corner of a wall, and it's so much easier to play...

    At the moment, my Crusader DPS dude has zero Caldesann, so maybe with some adjustments and Strength buffs I can reach the mid 80's or higher...

    Also it confirms that there is certainly a bug with using multiple Thorns/Invoker Crusaders, I can't explain why I'm doing such a massacre at GR75 now, but in season 6 with 4x Crusaders I couldn't go over GR62 because of the lack of DPS... and I had to reroll 4x Demon Hunter to complete achievements for extra stash tab

    Since that dude is taking little to no damage, I switched Diamonds for Rubies, and I'm using 3 offensive legendary gems.

  2. #2


    The main problem with the current meta for multi-boxing is just how squishy archon wizard is, BUT it can be played exactly like you attempted to play the twister setup but without needing to pull to walls and such.

    Caldesian's at ~ 75 would push you to around GR 80-85 with your current setup, the beauty of your setup is that it can be develop into a support/dps LON thorns barb as one of your other toons which will bring your RG/elite kills increased speed.
    The Internet: We Know Drama
    If you're gona screw with my sig at least leave the thing bolded :P

  3. #3


    I'm trying twister wizard again, pretty much the same meta as season 5, where I got to gr 91. I tried archon, but it's just too difficult for me to use. So I went back to tal twister. My guys are all just under paragon 1000 right at the moment, so that's a big help for sure. This weekend I'm sure I'll get them to 1000.

    So monk, wd, barb, wiz. Right now, my wiz doesn't have a ancient twisted sword, and his gear isn't that great, 0 augments on all my guys. And I'm up to GR83. (first try - so I might make 85 or so hopefully) I'm also doing a LON/thorns barb, but not having ignore pain up all the time is tough. I obviously can't use him for ancient spearing or pulling mobs, so I swapped out spear to get cry and shout.

    This group at least lets me stack up my guys - I can't ever stick twisters like the pros - just too hard for me to do while doing the other stuff right now - maybe I'll figure something out.

    Not sure how far I'll get, it definitely don't feel near as easy as last season - but then again, it's pretty early. And crusaders where just so damn fun starting out in season 5.

    I'm using the 1 shot monk build to farm Tx, and flashfire on my wiz. To run bounties I just leave everyone in town and run them on 1 guy.
    Sweet* teams - <unGankable> - Kil'Jaeden US Alliance - 10x Shamans, 9x DKs 1x Pally, 10x Drews

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kicksome View Post
    I'm trying twister wizard again, pretty much the same meta as season 5, where I got to gr 91. I tried archon, but it's just too difficult for me to use. So I went back to tal twister. My guys are all just under paragon 1000 right at the moment, so that's a big help for sure. This weekend I'm sure I'll get them to 1000.

    So monk, wd, barb, wiz. Right now, my wiz doesn't have a ancient twisted sword, and his gear isn't that great, 0 augments on all my guys. And I'm up to GR83. (first try - so I might make 85 or so hopefully) I'm also doing a LON/thorns barb, but not having ignore pain up all the time is tough. I obviously can't use him for ancient spearing or pulling mobs, so I swapped out spear to get cry and shout.

    This group at least lets me stack up my guys - I can't ever stick twisters like the pros - just too hard for me to do while doing the other stuff right now - maybe I'll figure something out.

    Not sure how far I'll get, it definitely don't feel near as easy as last season - but then again, it's pretty early. And crusaders where just so damn fun starting out in season 5.

    I'm using the 1 shot monk build to farm Tx, and flashfire on my wiz. To run bounties I just leave everyone in town and run them on 1 guy.
    hiya iam struggling with the same setup you use can you give me some advice ?

    iam using wd monk barb as support and tal twister wiz as damage dealer

    iam struggling at gr~70 my guys die alot at Elites..... can you link me your blizzard porfile of your guys ? woud be great thx

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by forsi View Post
    hiya iam struggling with the same setup you use can you give me some advice ?

    iam using wd monk barb as support and tal twister wiz as damage dealer

    iam struggling at gr~70 my guys die alot at Elites..... can you link me your blizzard porfile of your guys ? woud be great thx
    I can clear GR 85 right now with this setup - I need to get a good weapon on the wiz for sure.
    Sweet* teams - <unGankable> - Kil'Jaeden US Alliance - 10x Shamans, 9x DKs 1x Pally, 10x Drews

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Kicksome View Post

    wow thx alot for your fast answer but i got one more question how woud you setuP your barb without the LON ?

    // and i guess youre using IS boxer ? what kind of configs youre running ? like youreu sing round robin with your CC spells etc ?

    atm i got 1 Key that spamms all my stuff obvously not all but the important ones
    Last edited by forsi : 05-21-2016 at 07:44 PM

  7. #7


    Well I guess I'll have to switch to the Wizard setup too...

    I tried to push GR's with a Crusader as main DPS, buffed the dude with 6x 350 STR Caldesanns, but unfortunately I can't go over GR80. I actually failed 2 times at GR80, with bad rifts and population, but if I need a "good" GR to pass GR80 then I'll never compete with a Wizard setup. I just don't do enough DPS with the Crusader.

    The Rift Guardien always goes down under a minute, so that's a strong point there, but the Crusader can't do enough area damage on packs of "whites" or elites/whites, and I'm loosing too much time there.

    Oh and by the way...

    Name:  p1000_small.jpg
Views: 698
Size:  61.1 KB
    Last edited by Cmoidudu : 05-21-2016 at 10:54 PM

  8. #8


    ok good news iam upto GR80-85 now with your setuP !!! and i spend only 5 to 10 mins for the GR80 so shoud be easy doable higher rifts.

    my Wizard is now full ancient but not enchantet.

    my problem was i was using no Round robins... now i can CC elite packs almost 99% of the time and is easy going now

    Gratz for para 1000

  9. #9


    @Cmoidudu Nice on paragon 1000! @forsi grats on GR 80-85!

    So I managed to do gr87 so far. I had to make some changes on the zdps monks gear. I had 0 globe bonus. So I basically rolled almost everything with Bonus to health globe on the zdps monk. Then I use the healing aura now (with dodge shout on my Barb).
    I use the healing rune that gives you ~3k each time you hit, but 20% of your LOH gets used also - which is another 20k (out of my 100k LOH) total in my case.
    Every time you use the healing mantra, you get a shield that uses some % of your healing globe bonus. I can basically spam this key non-stop, so I get a ~150k - ~200k shield 1-2 times a second probably. This brings my deaths down to almost nothing at least so far.

    I did gr87 no problems, then gr88 was a roadblock, I tired and was way behind. I still have 0 Caldesanns, and my friend was looking at my wiz, and was like - why do you have an amulet with dex on it? So I need some more work on my wiz. I actually had a diamond in the helm, until he told me to use a purple gem - then he said, you'd get more hps if you just rerolled the socket to essentially vit, I did the math and he was right.

    So now I need to augment my wiz - I'm about 1 million sheet dps behind where I should be I think.
    Sweet* teams - <unGankable> - Kil'Jaeden US Alliance - 10x Shamans, 9x DKs 1x Pally, 10x Drews

  10. #10


    Iam trying to gather same pieces for my monk with health globe bnous atm... and try to get my barb to lon/thorns

    but i allready cleard GR 85 with my setup. i managed to make a macro where i press only "2" and every toon caast his spells with round robins and timed spells. works pretty good it even cast things i have on my mouse click ! my wizard basicly spams all his stuff and when hes out of energy he use automatic his signature spells zo get power !. then i have 1 extra button i use for movement with shout and monk runnspeed buff ! for moving around. basicly all i need and works pretty good ! nto sure what i coud do better atm

    // ah i got one more button where i just cast Monks Cyclon strike

    so i basicly spamm "2" for main dps and CC and buffs "3" for cyclon strike and "E" for runspeed buffs for shout and monk runspeed buff. those are also macrod to the "2" key.
    Last edited by forsi : 05-23-2016 at 08:55 AM

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