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  1. #10


    Did quite a few tests tonight with Xsplit and Shadowplay, all at 1080p 60fps. I honestly can't tell the difference in video quality from Xsplit Quick Sync, Xsplit Nvenc or ShadowPlay Nvenc. All 3 looked exactly the same. Even going from high to ultra quality, I can't tell the difference. I can see bitrate differences but there's no noticeable difference on image quality.

    ShadowPlay had the highest bitrate (45-50MBps) which translated into bigger files. Very High quality was around 20MBps and Ultra was around 30MBps. Quick Sync gave me the smallest file size for the same bitrate and image quality. Also tested X264 which had higher bitrate and decent filesize but I could notice FPS drops. Quick Sync and Nvenc were both really smooth and no noticeable performance hit. With ShadowPlay I had to record my desktop in order to capture char swapping.

    I'm sure other games with higher details will show more quality differences. D3 seemed all the same and it's really hard to compare since there's no replay option. Not to mention Youtube encoding will just blur even more any slight difference there is.

    I'll stick to Quick Sync on Very High for now. Smaller file size and pretty much the same image quality.
    Last edited by Devile : 03-15-2016 at 01:13 AM

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