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  1. #1

    Default 5 Boxing fresh 100 mixed group Couple questions ..

    Currently level 99 and should be 100 today...

    I hear lvl 700 Pvp gear is fine but is that the fastest way to gear fresh 100s to 700+ 5 man mixed party?
    queue as party or individually?

    farm random heroic/normal dungeons for gold.. Nothing else.

    disc Priest
    Perot pally
    2 hunters Marks - BM is recommended I hear
    which pets?
    i also have an arcane Mage but I guess I should switch to another BM hunter?

    Can an keyclone get the job done for heroics ?
    No broadcast mouse currently. Should I be getting isboxer for dungeon farming?

  2. #2
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Seattle Washington, USA


    I think the 700 PvP gear is the only gear you can get without raiding. LFR only drops 685 gear, timewalking 675, Mythic dungeons even only drop 685.

    My farming team of hunters was geared up in Ashran. I took them in two at a time and in about 2 hours had a full set of 700 gear and one 710. Just stay with the group.

  3. #3


    you can do 3 at the same time using a 3 seat mount. just stick with the team. if you want to help, then use a healing spec. don't bother with achievements or kills, for that use moonkins and lolfall.

    if you don't want to go the ashran route, you can gear in the new zone, but gear is 695 tops there.

    personally i go for the new zone, i don't really care for PVP and want to have some sense of progression rather than get a full set of max gear right away.

  4. #4


    Personally I prefer to gear 5 at a time in tanaan just killing rares. They're usually always up (but really depends on what realm) and nearly always drop baleful gear and for heroics thats all you really need. As for pets I use a corehound, sporebat, and wolf, with priest fort and paladin kings you have nearly every raid buff. After countless hours grinding heroics, I wouldn't recommend that for gold farming, it is very tedious and frankly the gold/hour isn't worth it imo unless you have multiple 5 man sets in separate guilds. Also, you really cant speed clear any dungeon besides skyreach imo. I use isboxer and it has everything you need.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by i5000 View Post
    why do you think it's low? What do you prefer? I haven't tried isboxer yet but I know I should.
    Is farming elite skins better? Or the Pitt?

    One of my toons is a enchanter so was thinking of going in and dis enchanting or selling the item

  6. #6


    Well its not necessarily low, just more of a personal preference, I wouldn't grind something as boring as dungeons for sub 10k/hour, which is what you'll get. Garrisons is, imo, the most efficient way to make solid gold and what I prefer. It takes a bit to get it up and running and youll prob invest a couple thousand gold into each one (actually more than a couple, more like 10-15k if you want to get it producing faster) but it pays for itself and then some afterwards. In between missions/professions (enchanting is fine, so is tailoring and jewelcrafting) I'll either kill tanaan rares (and super rares) for pets, toys, gear, etc. or grind up another set of alts because the more garrisons the better.

  7. #7
    Member JohnGabriel's Avatar
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    Seattle Washington, USA


    The problem with gearing in Tanaan jungle is it takes a very long time to farm all the apexis crystals you need. It does bring in lots of gold though especially killing rares.

    Be sure to get a loot-a-rang if you go that route, you will get annoyed with all the looting without it.

  8. #8


    Its not the apexis that I'm farming, its the baleful tokens, it is very possible to gear each alt to at least 675 in 1-2 day zone wide clears of tanaan rares.

  9. #9
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by i5000 View Post
    Its not the apexis that I'm farming, its the baleful tokens, it is very possible to gear each alt to at least 675 in 1-2 day zone wide clears of tanaan rares.
    The baleful drops have gotten a lot better since they increased the warforged iLevels to ~685.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  10. #10


    Just got at 100. 2 of my toons just got the shipyard. Hopefully I can sell these epics so I can buy the other tier 3 garrisons

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