As the title says, now that season ended I am debating farming some experience before they nerf the +xp - I got access to most classes with at least starter gear for many builds (wizard and monks are best geared).

Considerations are:

-) Able to run reasonably high GRs (for me that is 50s) fast

-) Decently able to farm keys and loot in T7+ (I could just solo this with my u6 monk with the others looting the key at the end I suppose, but most likely I will need to farm for gear anyways)

-) Minimal hassle in terms of skill staggering and timings etc

-) Should work pre 2.4 and post 2.4 (I do have a somewhat ok setup for SC, but I really rather gear something else as that will be gone in 2.4)

I was almost thinking just go 4x WD's just for the simplicity, but it would be nice to get some ideas and thoughts.