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  1. #1

    Default Barbed Velvet [H] recruiting for legacy raiding. (My Guild)

    Hello all!

    So I've been thinking about how much fun it would be to multibox legacy raids (60 content, 70 content ... etc.) So to that end I would like to start recruiting multiboxers to start building a roster to start clearing content at a fairly leisurely pace. Nothing hard core, but we'd at least meet for a couple hours every week to work at clearing some bosses.

    I would like to start with lvl 60 raids. Once we cleared them all we could either keep clearing them for a while, gear up a bit if need be - and then level to 70 and do the same.

    I currently have a team of 5 monks that are now xp locked at 60, and my wife is leveling a prot pally to 60 as well. So that's 6.

    We are currently in need of ranged dps and healers. If I need to I will level a team of healers, or ranged dps.

    I've really wanted to do this for a while and I think it would be a ton of fun to get a group of us together to clear content! We just need a commitment from a few of us to make it happen!

    My guild is Horde, and on the Magtheridon cluster.
    Multiboxing since WoW:BC - MY YOUTUBE!

  2. #2


    wow did you read my mind? I seriously have been contemplating doing this as well!

  3. #3
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    It's definitely a cool idea, and I've always considered joining one of these types of guilds even solo. Unfortunately, I've heard that these dungeons/raids are pretty much a faceroll these days unless you're terribly undergeared.

    The nice thing is that anyone thinking of jumping in on this doesn't actually need to (re-)roll on Magtheridon seeing as you can do any of this stuff via cross-realm.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  4. #4


    Let's do em naked!

    in game only.. maybe

  5. #5


    I sort of did a Herald of the Titans team thing for a while. Every raid instance as far as I could at level.

    The distribution of spells for some classes is pretty harsh, so many 'raid' spells are awarded at 72, 76 (Wild Growth!), etc that things are pretty tough class to class. Heirlooms seem to have that dip in scaling at the upgrading scaling. I couldn't find any tier bonuses that were mechanically worth it, all the TBC bonuses are broken, the spells don't exist, or the spell rotation wasnt boxing friendly.

    That said the talents and the lack of spell ranks seems to be pretty huge in comparison to original content. Pets are also massively powered (at least warlocks that is).

    The mechanics are still unnerfed, so while we have lost the ability to spam dispel/decurse ... the need to spam dispel exists still. I forget what spell i was always hunting for that was a go to spell for BWL, but wasn't available for me in BWL. Absorb and Atonement are huge, Void Walkers, Monks, and DK's are overpowered.

    I was able to easily 10man heirloom at level MC & BWL, but AQ was horrible mostly with being chain feared poisoned and out ranged. Unless I got lucky in a corner area.

    Of course I also don't have 40 characters to fill a whole raid, so yes it would a face roll with a whole raid.

    I think it helped me greatly boxing in the end.

    I would be all over it for single healing or >=85 content.

  6. #6


    If anyone wants to solo as well that's fine too.

    I was hoping to kind of recreate the social aspect of the game by having everyone in one guild/server. I understand the perks and benefits to being cross server, but figured that @ lvl 60 etc we're not really going to be spending a ton of resources on these characters.

    Also, in regards to facerolling content - we could always decide that we could be using level appropriate gear that doesn't include the OP heirloom pieces.

    I've pretty well decided that this is what I want to be doing for the rest of the xpac - I'd love to treat old content like new content and progress through it.

    Just need a roster.
    Multiboxing since WoW:BC - MY YOUTUBE!

  7. #7


    Level appropriate gear..
    AKA no over powering stat bombs?

    What are you needed added to the roster so far? I may have a 5x hunter pack close to this level and some odd ball groups.
    Willing to see what I can do as time allows!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by emitchell109 View Post
    Level appropriate gear..
    AKA no over powering stat bombs?

    What are you needed added to the roster so far? I may have a 5x hunter pack close to this level and some odd ball groups.
    Willing to see what I can do as time allows!
    rdps and healers
    Multiboxing since WoW:BC - MY YOUTUBE!

  9. #9


    I have a team of 5 on Mag now I am lvling for fun. I'll meet you at 60!

    Paladin tank, Resto Shaman, Hunter Lock and Spriest

  10. #10


    Roster so far

    3x Tanks (I can spec my tank dps if need be)
    2x Heals
    3x RDPS (8x if emitchall has hunters)
    Multiboxing since WoW:BC - MY YOUTUBE!

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