@ Lords - Welcome back, glad they unbanned everything.

@ Steveo - These guys are all on point, but I'll only add that my opinion (15 years in IT, CCNA, MCSE etc) and 5 years of using ISBoxer as well as heavily debating this issue for months.

Once again my opinion, CCP is being extremely dodgy and not answering direct questions on what is and is not allowed. If you play dont use Input Duplication, dont use complex macros like in AHK and try to play around the same speed as an advanced normal player you are probably fine (as best I know it).

There is a statement from CCP during the fanfest round table that if your 20% better (by what metrics we dont know) then a "normal" player they are at least looking into you.

Round-Robin - Some people think that its not allowed, I think "fast round-robin" will be detected as input duplication.
Key remapping - Its my opinion its ok
Video FX - In client probably not ok, in a dxnothing probably ok
Rollover Buttons - In dxnothing I THINK its ok, but that depends on their answers on VFX and Key remapping (IMO).

they wont directly answer the question and in MY OPINION they caused more questions then they answered at Fanfest.

Mutli-box at your own risk, dont use Input Duplication, dont use more advanced ISBoxer features without realizing they might place you into the "unfair" category, use VFX in a DXnothing window.