Just throwing an update out on this...

1) I've fallen behind on videos and have about 10 to create and release before I'll be ready to dedicate time to reboot this series.

2) I began to run into some performance issues with my super high video settings once I hit MoP instances. I can only imagine how much GPU bandwidth it takes to run five clients at an almost 4K resolution, and unless I turned my settings down I would continuously experience issues with stuttering throughout the instance (which I'd obviously like to avoid while recording). This means that I should probably upgrade my GPUs before attempting to record anything for real, but I'd like to hold out until nVidia releases their next top-tier GPU which should be March/April.

3) I'm still leaning toward no heirlooms because, like I said before, I'd like to make the instances a bit more difficult to show that those who don't have access to a full set of them, can still complete the instance; but also, now that the 6.1 PTR is out we can see that the current cost for every heirloom available -- fully upgraded to 90 -- will costs upwards of 90,000 gold -- This is, of course, assuming they stay priced at that amount. Unfortunately, I doubt any new multiboxer would have anywhere near that amount of gold just lying around, especially when leveling teams with RaF, so that further reinforces the idea that I shouldn't use heirlooms... but, I may go ahead and use weapons/off-hand only -- We'll see.