I think Pinot makes good points all around. This isn't just an inconvenience--You need to be realistic. You can fleet warp all your guys to the same grid, and you can have all of your alts orbit your wing commander no problem. And yeah, you can still assist your drones to your bunny and lock/blap from him. No problem.

You can't, however, all jump through a gate/wormhole at the same time; deploy drones; assist drones; activate any module. That's pretty backbreaking, but it's not the big issue.

The big issue is that CCP's stance is now "You may run multiple characters at the same time, but you may not do so effectively." This means that even if you are effective (I'm skeptical, and I'm a wizard at ISBoxer profiles) in any area of the game, you will be aggressively reported and investigated while doing so. Their stance may be to ban your account until they finish their investigation.

This change signals a change in policy: They don't want you to be effective while multiboxing. If you find a workaround, they're likely, in my opinion, to fix it.

In any case, Warlords of Draenor is the best World of Warcraft expansion I've ever played.