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  1. #1

    Default [AO] First script, modifier key issue

    Using HotkeyNet, I've got 3 windows open, but when I press key 0 inside my first window, I'd like ctrl+alt+shift+0 to be triggered in my other windows. However this just doesn't appear to trigger.

    My key setup is
    <HotKey 0><SendLabel w2, w3>
    <Wait 200> 
    <Key F2>
    <Wait 200> 
    <Key CTRL ALT SHIFT 0>
    And in the output window I am seeing the following
    From this pc: <SendWinM AOSlave1><Wait 200><Key F2><Wait 200><Key CTRL ALT SHIFT 0><SendWinM AOSlave2><Wait 200><Key F2><Wait 200><Key CTRL ALT SHIFT 0><SendWinM AOSlave1> completed: Window found. Target set to 0x1A0614 "AOSlave1"
    <Wait 200> completed: 200 milliseconds
    <Key F2> completed
    <Wait 200> completed: 200 milliseconds
    <Key CTRL ALT SHIFT 0> completed
    <SendWinM AOSlave2> completed: Window found. Target set to 0x1B0638 "AOSlave2"
    <Wait 200> completed: 200 milliseconds
    <Key F2> completed
    <Wait 200> completed: 200 milliseconds
    <Key CTRL ALT SHIFT 0> completed
    However the windows AOSlave1 and AOSlave2 which have actions bound to ctrl+alt+shift+0 (which work manually inside the windows themselves), don't get called.

    Really not sure what the problem is, can anyone help me out please?
    Last edited by ShiroiKuma : 10-07-2014 at 09:07 AM

  2. #2


    Since HotKeyNet is indicating that the key was sent and you have the modifiers written into the key rather than having to manually press them, the issue is most likely within the game itself. I would guess it doesn't recognize inputs when the window is not active. I would check the sendmode you are using and look through the sendmode settings in Options > Send Mode Settings
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