Action Target Groups
Ok lets get this out of the way First.
What is an Action Target group?
- An Action Target Group allows you to group all your DPS or all Your Logi characters into a group or mini team
- When you put characters in an Action Target Group you can configure broadcasts to broadcast only to your DPS group or to ignore your DPS and only pass Mouse Repeating to your logi Characters ect, ect.
Creating an ATG is easy enough, Right click on Action Target Group in ISboxer. Create new ATG, name it then drag and drop characters from your character list into the newly created list.
Now when we start making Key maps and creating repeater regions we can assign them to a specific group instaed of all the characters at once.
Ok so i'm going to assume that you know what a key map is and you know at least how to make them if not you can follow the link above its a quick little guide.
- I'm going to cover some of the more advanced aspects of them in this Section.
- Keymaps for Clickbars
- Keymaps for Loading Videofx and Repeater Regions
- Keymaps, Keymaps, Keymaps
Most of them are pretty straight forward, My keymaps to turn Key and Mouse broadcasting on and off, Alt and Ctrl keymaps for each of the module slots. Some of them go to a specific
Action target Group some go to my logi only. You'll have to figure out what you want mapped to which characters.
One important thing though if you use modifiers like shift or alt for your keymaps is to have "
Hold any Keystroke Action while Hotkey is Held"
turned on, its set to off by default. Its something with eve that Modifiers don't work correctly if its not on.
Keymaps Makes sure this is on.PNG
Broadcast and Leader Keymaps for Click Bars
Ok now we get to the tedious parts. So to save ourselves from using 10-20 Keybinding's to switch between characters and have them load the Leader setup we will use Keymaps, Click Bars and our mouse to change leaders or broadcast for Remote Repair.
- Ok here you can see that for this character I have it setup so that when I press the corresponding click bar button it:
- Loads a VideoFX saved as "Leader" on the Character Thehamburglar
- Here you can see for the Second Action it loads:
- The Repeater Region Named "Leader1"
- Quick Note, While you can have one VideoFX Source used by all your characters Repeater Regions are different, you will have to rename each repeater region so its specific to that character. I use leader 1-9 for my DPS.
- You then can load that Repeater Region to that characters screen. If you don't and try to load Repeater Region Leader 3 on Character 6 your repeater region will load on Character 3 not Character 6.
- Then for the rest of the Action Steps it loads "Auto" for all Characters except the one set as Leader.
EDIT: You'll need to also add a Focus Action, Its under Actions>Window>New Window Focus Action. Select Current Computer then Slot then add the number for the specific IS Window
How to quickly Copy your Videofx and Repeater Regions
So before we get too far i'm going to assume that you have read the guides at, if there is still demand for me to make a guide i'll do so but for now:
Instead of trying to get all your settings on all your characters to load up we can just copy from the character we have setup to our liking. Mostly we will copy and paste with some changes for each characters.
- For Windows 7 and Windows Vista navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\InnerSpace\Scripts, or where ever you installed ISboxer/Innerspace
- Here you can see a list of all the settings for your VideoFX, Repeater Regions, Click Bars ect.Attachment 1311
- Ok after you have a toon with your Leader and Auto VideoFX Sources setup find that toon in the list of files. Right Click the file and choose EDIT or Open>Notepad. You'll get something like this:
- If yours does not look like this your either did not save your VideoFX settings in the ISboxer Control Panel(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G by default) or your are looking at the wrong file.
You'll notice that I have all my VideoFX Feed sources Labeled as "2Module Slot 1" or "2Overview" the "2" designates that character instead of typing out the long name of each character I just use number to identify that character, I use the same numbers for the repeater Regions.
How to copy the settings to your other Characters
- Copy the whole text(Ctrl+C)
- Find the character you want to copy to in the script list then Paste
- Go line by line and change the Number 2 to what ever designation the character your coping to is. So change the 2 to a 5 for character 5 ect.
- Once done Click File>Save
- Repeat for Each additional Character.
- Yep thats the only Repeater region I use on a character window, the other repeaters are on the DXnothing windows and the rest is done with keybinds. I have the "Set Name" as "Leader2" due to a "Feature" of isboxer. Like I explained earlier your have to rename each repeater region so it is unique to that character.
Repeater Region
Here is how to copy Repeater Region Settings
- Right click Edit or Open with Notepad the Script named "ISBoxer.Regions.YOURTEAM.Name of Character" that you want to copy. Copy the Entire notepad text.
- Then open the Script file of the character that you want to copy the Repeater region settings to.
- Paste the Previously copied text and change the Number again so it corresponds to the character your copying to.
- Save then Repeat on each character changing the number Leader2 to Leader3 or Leader4 Ect
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