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  1. #6


    We're forming a multiboxer corp, primarily focused on wspace.

    You can easily farm c3s with 5 accounts in a relatively short amount of time for isk(more than you can even imagine atm, but not a huge amt for most people once you're skilled up) , and you'll have plenty of people around to answer questions and form up for pvp if someone tries something silly.

    Even brand new characters can quickly be hella useful in pvp.

    If you're training vexor navy issues (a really good idea for PVE for a multiboxer, and some PVP) you can fly a maulus or celestis.

    Flying an increidbly cheap fit with sensor damps x5 would be a terror to the hostile fleet and combined with scan res damping scrips, would make our alpha fleets even more effective (armor reps need to lock, THEN cycle reps....we can force them to lock slow with damps on guardians/reps), we could potentially get off 2-3 volleys before they even start landing reps, almost guaranteeing our target is dead from our alpha before it gets reps.

    EDIT: Also, not being good at or knowing how to probe for right now should be ok, we'd have corp bookmarks that will get you around no problem. Living in wspace, tho, you really should at least learn how to probe, even if you're not amazing at it.
    Last edited by LordsServant : 09-25-2014 at 06:59 PM

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