Quote Originally Posted by Mercurio View Post
Lax and Mirai, thanks for setting this up, sounds very cool. I'll have to look at transferring some toons over to Sargeras. A nice side benefit would be to level up in WoD on a PvP server that is 90% alliance instead of 90% horde.
While it didn't affect the final choice, I personally was happy with the fact that each server was pretty much dominated by the main faction it was going to be for because, as you say, it's much nicer to level (and do dailies, etc) on the new continent/planet when you're the dominant faction. I really didn't want to have the main server be so lopsided in terms of population that one faction would be at a major disadvantage when leveling, questing, etc.

However, because of the CRZ block we're in the leveling process from level 1 through (soon to be) level 90 is going to be all CRZ-enabled, so there will be a lot of both factions out in the world; and believe you me, there are places like Hellfire Peninsula which are a 24-7 warzone. >_>

Quote Originally Posted by Mercurio View Post
My big concern is that I don't want to give the anti-boxer contingent any more reason to rage than they already feel they have. I can't imagine the hell I would have had to endure if I would have had "Multiboxer" above all my toon's heads all the times I played ten toons in LFRs (despite topping the healing and DPS meters) or playing three or four guys in a 25 man normal SoO. I have been amazed at how few people have said anything in the countless times I've run multiple toons in raids, but I fear my experiences would have been completely different if I actively alerted everyone who glanced at my toons by being in a "Multiboxer" guild.
Honestly, I did think of this after I tossed out the name as a choice I'd be okay with. Lax's first choice was taken and my first choice was taken, and rather than sit around for 72 hours trying to come up with a clever name for a multiboxing guild, we just rolled with it. I figured it would help show off who we were during world PvP, but it may adversely affect PvE'ers in LFR and what not.

We haven't discussed changing the name to something else, but for now if you're concerned about the hate that you may receive in a place like LFR you should be fine with leaving the guild temporarily during that period. You won't lose any guild rep for doing so if you join back up without joining any other guild in between. I only mention this because I'm pretty sure you used to do this back in Wrath (in LoB) when you were jumping into PUGs via trade chat.