I can confirm that EICO has a percentage requirement for CTA based on total members of the corp. In my case I had 12 characters which are part of the corp. They added to the number based on the requirement. It was a big issue for many of us multiboxers because most all our toons were indy specific. I had to start training combat on many of my toons in order to comply. Lucky things worked out how they did because I never actually got my miners to a combat level before we were kicked out.

I never had a problem with Talyn until one of their directors revoked our clones and set my PI planets tax to 100% despite me using those planets to supply them with over a billion worth of construction blocks to build their station. We were looking for a better home mostly based on the CTA requirement which put many of us in a big disadvantage. If you are a multiboxer I would avoid EICO. That is my opinion from my personal experience. Talyn was a cool corp to play with until they turned on us with vengeance.