Quote Originally Posted by hannibal View Post
A very generous offer and I may take you up on it if I decide to box it. I currently only have one license and will wait until closer to launch to make a decision on whether to box it or not.
keep an eye out on the wildstar site.. almost every week there is a weekend beta key give away going on.. so you can try to box it for free. Ebony tried it for free, but didn't like it. But I think when more boxers try it and get it working as well as i have, it will win more people over.. its very boxable.. almost as easy as WoW IMO, as far as controlling characters. World PvE and PvE will be easy to box.. dungons/raids might be very challenging due to the heavy use of movement mechanics. Im sure someone will figure out a way to conquer harder content though. You just have to give it a chance..tweak keymaps and such.