so i just seen the new blizzard store pet named after are fev bg of all time! alterac brew pup (costs a lot less then the soul trader) you can ITW and click to move to pickup some beeer!

am going to use it as a backup when i get stuck in-combat or inside or somewhere else i can not use my mount way. (as it can get a big bad on chat log) anyway!

you can only do this once unless you drink the beer then wait 3 secs before u can pick up a new one. well that not be that fun as you a little smashed by the end of the game. or maybe it would be fun??

anyway MiRai find a topic to delete a item with a macro for me i changed the item and it works!

/run for b = 0, 4 do for s = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(b) do local l = GetContainerItemLink(b, s) if l and l:find("Mulled Alterac Brandy") then PickupContainerItem(b, s) DeleteCursorItem() end end end
mix this up in a isboxer step setup and bang you got a nice free (well $10) exata tool to help in bg's.

Use at your own risk!

Anyway ill try it this weekend on av and see how it goes, it might be to laggey and not work as i would like as you have to target the pet every time you want to follow it!