Hey everybody!

I'm Frenchy, and while I'm not new to multiboxing, I'm new to dual-boxing.com. I've frequented the website quite a bit, but I've never actually posted on the forums. So this is my first time! :)

I wanted to share with all of you some 5v5 arena games that I played on my five marksman hunters. I had been wanting to do some 5s for quite a bit of time, but three of my hunters were under-geared.

In any case, now they're all geared enough, despite a few missing gems and enchants that I will take care of as soon as possible. So I decided to try my hand at some 5s. I didn't really toy around with "advanced" strategies at all; I just went in and did my thing. Considering that, the results were very promising! My win-loss ratio currently stands at 34 wins and 51 losses. But keep in mind that I tried about 6 or 7 games (all losses) back when three of my hunters were completely under-geared. I had tons of fun while playing these games, and I'm looking forward to experiment with more "advanced" strategies such as:

- having a "Target Arena[1,2,3,4,5] --> cast Wyvern Sting" macro on each of my hunters and thus CCing the entire enemy team at once 
- trying out Binding shot to see if it could be better
- silencing healers when I'm targeting dps classes
- actually using my traps (I wasn't using any traps)
- trying out the Murder of Crows instead of Blink Strikes
- and any other ideas I can come up with! :)

Now, enough with my rant! Here is the video of my 5v5 Arena Games!


I really hope you guys enjoy the video, and I invite you all to check out all of the other multiboxing videos on my channel: they are located in the Multiboxing Playlist. I have a lot of other multiboxing videos, including some in Durotar with my good friend who multiboxes 5 Restoration Shamans! Oh, and I just got 5 other accounts, and I'm on my way to multiboxing 10 Hunters!!!

Also, please consider subscribing to the channel if you enjoy the content! The support truly means so much! And I'll be coming out with many more videos!

Warm regards,