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  1. #1
    Rated Arena Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default I got an idea :)


    It has been a long time since I've posted here, I had some time away from World of Warcraft
    Especially afer 5.2, I believe I don't have to explain why

    Insted of playing games I have started to develop games, or at least as much as I can, and quite honestly, that's not a lot... but
    I find it more entertaining to actually develop. Imagin'ing running around controling 4 characters simutaniously.

    For a long time I have been thinkin' perhaps I'm not the only one missing something.

    Perhaps some of you, talented people, would be interrested in game-development? ((( As a hobby )))

    Perhaps, let us come together, on a big, hard, and extreamly tough road, and let us walk together?

    This won't be a fulltime job, we start slow, we talk together, and enjoy what we do.
    eventually at some point, we can walk around each other, and sooner or later, we plan GUI, AI, and so on.

    I can't stress this enougth, I know this is a big challenge, and some of you might be afraid of doing it
    just because of that.

    But givin' up is never the solution, it is alright to make mistakes! eventually they become lessons anyway
    So don't be afraid.

    I'm still a beginner, but I can imagine the posibilities this forum could have, (we all love the same thing)

    Let us merge our passion, and be positive, and enjoy this whole trip

    Let us create, our own multibox friendly MMO.

    In general, I am interrested in everyone around here, because I know you all love this sandbox element to mmo games.
    unfortunately not every themepark can hold a sandbox.

    Game Idea:

    The game is based around our solar system, each planet has its own race, planet earth has earthlings, mars has marsians and so on.
    But the battle for resources has begun, even between individual species, noone can be trusted, noone are hostile. every player, is an enemy.
    unless you form a party or raid to hunt and slay other parties or raids.

    The game has no PVE content, it is only a PVP game, "no flying mounts".

    Each planet, has its own resources, and useable goods (remember the herbs from felwood) something like that.
    which is also how you get "level" there is no level, like in world of warcraft, only proffesion levels.
    you also get abilities though proffesions. which also means there are no classes, only different races.

    Each planet has a specific amount of gold, honor, xp and loot that you can get, which I like to call the 100% zone's

    However, the sun, is a 500% zone, meaning you will get 5 times as much gold, honor, xp and loot if you play on the sun
    BUT::: Be aware, if you die, you lose everything that you carry, you're gear, you're gold, and you're inventory goods.

    The game will have an auction house, where people can sell gear they craft or loot. but it will also have bounties
    forexample: (Bring me the head of Kruschpak, and I will give you 1000g)... sorry krusch <3
    now if a player has a bounty on him, and you don't know it, then you will still loot the head, and be able to bring it
    to the auction house, to collect you're reward.
    And yes, those bounties are created by other people, obviously.

    Now I have to tell you about the gear system, in this game, you wont kill a wolf that somehow carries a sword.
    Nooo, everything is crafted out of materials you gather, or steal from other people "PVPing" and every item you create
    is randomized (like in Diablo)...

    I think this sums of the main idea, without making this thread 100 pages long, obviously I have a lot more to tell, because I've really used my imagination a lot to try and get out of the themepark
    based MMO.

    But first, I wanna know if people dare to take up this challenge with me .

    Let me know if you are interrested, and I'll make sure you have a good time.

    What We Need
    Zone Developers
    Story Developers
    2D Artists
    3D Artists
    Sound Artists (including voice artists)
    C#(client) & Java(server) Programmers --- (My programmer corrected me)


    PS: To inspire you, I will show you how far we can go!
    (I have not made this, but together we have no limits)
    Last edited by Selz : 08-25-2013 at 08:06 AM Reason: typo

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