I was wondering if any of you have had similar results. I had been farming dungons to gear up toons. I was getting gear, but it seemed like it was taking forever! The 5.1 patch notes ( or was it a hot fix patch? ) said that the loot was upgraded in scenarios. SO i started running them a lot. I have got more epics doing this and a lot more 463 items than i do in dungons. Sure.. a lot of times you just get gold.. a few JP and VP, but when you get loot.. its always something your class can use. Bosses in dungons might not have anything for you. I'm wondering if its just me or does it seem better to do scenarios to gear up? I do them with a tank and 3 dps atm.. until they get better geared.. my main team can do 3 dps easy.

As a bonus, some of them have a lot of trash and have a good drop rate on motes 8) I make it a point to clear all the trash..needed or not!