So I'm guessing they are a lot easier than instances?

The only scenario I did, I single boxed, and that was Arena of Annihilation. I noticed it to be quite easy as I ended up doing it 10 times and figured out the mechanics are stupidly easy. It did not require a tank or even a healer, I think 8/10 runs we had no tank or healer at all.

Are all scenarios kind of set up like this? For a 3 man group you don't need tank, dps, healer? Easy enough mechanics unlike some of the bosses in heroics? I've avoided heroics, even though they are easy, simply because I don't have the patience to set up isboxer and my macros to make the runs efficient and farmable instead of just brute force while overgearing it. I can take my 4x ele + druid at about 460-465 and brute force through a few bosses here and there but its a waste of time and I hate instances.

My DKs are starting to get some great rep especially with dominance offensive (or whatever) and there are some sweet 496 rings waiting for me, and trinkets/boots/etc. very soon... again requiring valor I don't have