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  1. #1


    I didn't care for MoP. It's very good looking and no doubt the best looking expansion they've done so far but its entirely too quest orientated.

    If you hate WoW questing like I do skip this expansion. You'll regret it otherwise. John is right however. It's identical in nature to previous WoW games. That means a metric ton of collection and kill quests.

  2. #2
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadMilitia View Post
    I didn't care for MoP. It's very good looking and no doubt the best looking expansion they've done so far but its entirely too quest orientated.

    If you hate WoW questing like I do skip this expansion. You'll regret it otherwise. John is right however. It's identical in nature to previous WoW games. That means a metric ton of collection and kill quests.
    The expansion has been live for 4 days and you're telling people to skip it because it isn't worth it?

    Also, what does "too quest oriented" mean exactly? I remember having to do quests to level back in The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and even all the way back in Vanilla WoW. I would find it odd if they just gave everyone level 90 from the get go. If they did give everyone level 90 for free, would that make this expansion "worth it"?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post
    The expansion has been live for 4 days and you're telling people to skip it because it isn't worth it?

    Also, what does "too quest oriented" mean exactly? I remember having to do quests to level back in The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, and even all the way back in Vanilla WoW. I would find it odd if they just gave everyone level 90 from the get go. If they did give everyone level 90 for free, would that make this expansion "worth it"?

    Don't misunderstand the complaint. It's that they spent years "crafting" this collect x of y, kill x of y experience. They like done in the past spent a lot of time and resources focusing on a minigame that players will be done with in 2 months tops. Instead of focusing on enjoyable encounters, group mechanics (which are great for us boxers), model updates and whatnot we got 2 months of content that ranks at the very bottom. I know for me it does. Apparently level 90 is no different as the rep you need to buy JP gear comes from dallies.

    So sure, it is like every other WoW expansion. That's precisely why I won't be playing it.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by MadMilitia View Post
    It's that they spent years "crafting" this collect x of y, kill x of y experience. They like done in the past spent a lot of time and resources focusing on a minigame that players will be done with in 2 months tops.
    Still not seeing how this is any different than any other expansion ever. How much time did I have to spend collecting spineleaf and zeppelin parts and blood in Hellfire? How many times did I have to do vehicle quests one by one over and over in the Argent Tourny and the rest of Wrath? I was done leveling in Cata within 2 or 3 days and had canceled all my accounts within a month of release, and the only reason it took that long was because I had to spend a lifetime in freakin' cut scenes.

    Every MMO is about Kill X Collect Y. There's not a whole hell of a lot else they can do. Sounds to me like you're burnt on MMO gaming and it doesn't have anything at all to do with WoW in particular.
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Khatovar View Post
    Still not seeing how this is any different than any other expansion ever. How much time did I have to spend collecting spineleaf and zeppelin parts and blood in Hellfire? How many times did I have to do vehicle quests one by one over and over in the Argent Tourny and the rest of Wrath? I was done leveling in Cata within 2 or 3 days and had canceled all my accounts within a month of release, and the only reason it took that long was because I had to spend a lifetime in freakin' cut scenes.

    Every MMO is about Kill X Collect Y. There's not a whole hell of a lot else they can do. Sounds to me like you're burnt on MMO gaming and it doesn't have anything at all to do with WoW in particular.

    As stated this is exactly the same as ever which is why most of us that are turned off by it are turned off by it. Lipstick on a pig.

    You're making a mistake in thinking this is all they can do. Get in the fight or get on the farm? They clearly went with the latter. They had a great idea and ran it into the ground in lazy fashion. They could have had the very first 3 quests in Jade Forest be the mood for the next 3 zones. Instead it became a stupid collect grind far worse than BC to my recollection. I'd rather have a dozen (which is still probably an exaggeration) BC collects than I'd have of one zone chock loaded with collect quests. Check out Valley of the Four to see what I mean.

    They could do this a lot more interesting and engaging than they are right now. Call me a snob but this questing like most of the questing in the past smacks of adolescence and is an insult to the intelligence of any 20+ year old. Is water wet? Remember that gem from Cataclysm? More of the same.

    Someone on the general forum says that the point is the journey but I'm beginning to realize how much that journey sucks. Especially so in the first 4 weeks of a new expansion. So I'm tuning out. You are right about one thing. I'm burned out when it comes to Blizzard's approach to MMOs.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadMilitia View Post
    Don't misunderstand the complaint. It's that they spent years "crafting" this collect x of y, kill x of y experience. They like done in the past spent a lot of time and resources focusing on a minigame that players will be done with in 2 months tops. Instead of focusing on enjoyable encounters, group mechanics (which are great for us boxers), model updates and whatnot we got 2 months of content that ranks at the very bottom. I know for me it does. Apparently level 90 is no different as the rep you need to buy JP gear comes from dallies.

    So sure, it is like every other WoW expansion. That's precisely why I won't be playing it.
    I agree with you to a degree...

    I look at the whole leveling process as a necessary evil.

    The first time through a zone, I read the quests, listen to all of the cut-scenes and explore the lore.
    Every other time through that zone, its click accept, take the next quest, run to this location and kill things, or Escape to end the cut-scene early...
    I generally go with the Zygor Guide, which greatly facilitates this approach.

    The fun part is getting the next toy (ability from leveling).
    That is also the fun part for me, when I'm a player in a Dungeons & Dragons game (have been playing or DMing almost weekly, for close to 25 years now).
    The grind isn't the fun part, but its what you do to get the next advancement on your character.

    When I raided, getting to the next stage of a given boss and learning what was required was interesting.
    But grinding it out, attempt after attempt... sometimes for several weeks, until everyone could do it without too many errors... well that portion is the necessary evil as well.
    And beating the phase, to encounter the next phase, or ultimately beating the encounter and getting the reward that's the benefit once toons are maximum level.

    I don't raid anymore, and haven't since Ulduar was the top content.
    I didn't even step into a single Cataclysm era dungeon, 5-man or raid.
    The new game is PvP.
    The grind is getting the honor gear, with each increase in damage/survivability as the reward.
    After that, the grind is Rated BG's and/or Arena and/or Random BG's (many of which I don't enjoy)... to get the gear that allows for the fun portion of the game.
    Which is playing the few boxer friendly BG's and blowing people up; my 5-box (Pally/4x DK's) could take out 3x their number 9 times in 10... which was the fun portion of BG's.
    Sure, I've had frustrating encounters with say three players (far less geared than the worst of my five), where I cannot burn a tower/bunker... not saying my 5 were/are always victorious, not by a far stretch.
    But they're extremely dominant, the equivalent of a raid boss in AV, IoC, EotS and WSG... which is the fun part of PvP.
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by MadMilitia View Post
    I didn't care for MoP. It's very good looking and no doubt the best looking expansion they've done so far but its entirely too quest orientated.

    If you hate WoW questing like I do skip this expansion. You'll regret it otherwise. John is right however. It's identical in nature to previous WoW games. That means a metric ton of collection and kill quests.
    I leveled 85-90 in about 2 days grinding dungeons. I did like 3 quests before 90.

    It's entirely possible to avoid questing entirely in MOP. Particularly now that more people have purchased the crafting patterns and you can just buy yourself the crafted i450 PvP gear/weapon and have high enough ilevel to queue for heroics.


    How many active boxers currently in LOB?
    Last edited by Apatheist : 10-14-2012 at 09:03 AM

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