So, as I stated in my recent ESDF thread I have been looking at ways to improve my multiboxing game (because I think shit is about to get real). I mentioned the Cyborg MMO 7 mouse and how I was afraid of using it because I'd become too dependent on it, it'd go EOL, and then I'd be SOL.

Well, with that being said (and regardless of how I felt about the mouse a year and a half ago), I've decided to start using it again -- And I'm liking it (more on this below). However, I still couldn't find the right "weight" for the mouse in comparison to how my G700 felt. The G700 has a battery in it (even though I keep it wired up 100% of the time) and it has a nice weight to it (not too light and not too heavy), but I couldn't achieve the same "feel" on the MMO 7 mouse (it comes with different weights so you can adjust it). So, I got to thinking...


...maybe I was coming at this all wrong.

The mouse moves around with as much freedom/friction as its feet and the surface it's on allow it to. Now, I've been a fan of those aluminum gaming surfaces for the past few years and I've used the Razer Ironclad (since discontinued), and currently use the Razer Manticor -- Both of which allow mice to nicely glide over its surface without any real feedback/friction and I figured this was where my issue was at.

I used Razer's fancy configurator tool to tell me which gaming surface would be right for me (given the options I chose) and it told me that the Razer Sphex was the answer to all of my problems -- And, wow, was it ever! I LOVE THIS THING!

I checked out a few reviews on it before making the purchase, but honestly... a mouse, the surface, the feet, the friction, the weight, the feel, etc... it's all completely subjective. So, I figured I couldn't go wrong with it since it was only $11 on Amazon. This thing is like a sheet of rough paper that just adheres to your desk, and from what I can tell, it's not going to ruin your desk's surface like a sticker or glue might. Now, I don't have an estimated lifetime for this thing, but it's able to be reapplied several times before the adhesive wears out (I've already moved mine around a few times without any issue).

As for how the MMO 7 mouse feels on it... well, it feels great.

I had to buy another mouse since I lost the extra parts that came with the first one (I kinda wanted the black version now that one was available) and the RAT 7's extra parts weren't compatible with the MMO 7, but all is well, so far. I have yet to implement all of my multiboxing stuff onto it because: 1) I'm still getting used to ESDF for solo play, and 2) I'm in the middle of changing up my multiboxing setup at the moment so that I might become better, faster, and stronger.

However, I wouldn't recommend the MMO 7 mouse as an everyday mouse because there really is a lot going on with it. For my regular browsing, amateur coding (lol?), video editing, and what not... I still use my G700 (yes, I have two mice plugged into my system(s)).