Curse bloody explorer 9, killing my posts.

IWT works great in melee range for hunters. Exactly the same as for melee classes and as Mosg points out, switch AotF on to get SS casts happening whilst moving too. Might actually consider opening on healers from stealth in melee range so that they can't pillar hump so easily which has always been one of the hardest things to avoid with all ranged dps.

Soloing on beta, have been having a ball ganking from stealth. Even without stealth though, have found BM hunter to be pretty strong solo even against 2 melee at times. Have had most problems with a balance druid and ret pal. The druid just blew me up when he had cooldowns available and staying hotted was hard to dps down. Without cooldowns, I had the wood on him but moonkin burst seems to be pretty crazy. The ret pally just hit really hard and with some strong solo heals and shields was hard to get down without getting the jump on him.

Have also tested out druid healing a bit. Resto's look to be pretty strong and have a few more defensive abilities than before, including deterrence from the hunters. Being able to swap full stacks of lifebloom is also great for switching healing targets more easily. What I would love to try is healing with a moonkin though. Having that burst as an opener from stealth, as well as solar beam plus vortex might be enough to sacrifice healing capabilities.

Anyway, back for more testing, I'm sure things will change once level 90 talents get opened and who knows, the camo glyph might get removed before release which would kill this whole idea a bit.