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  1. #1

    Default Anyone just dual-box?

    Seems like anyone who sticks with any kind of multi-boxing ends up 4 or 5-boxing and not too many dual boxers. I'm just curious if anyone who has been multi-boxing a long time has stuck with just two?

  2. #2


    I started with two. but i needed more.
    Just remember what ol' Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol' storm right square in the eye and he says, "Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    I started out with two accounts, on day 1.
    And played like that from a little after the game went live, till almost the end of Burning Crusade.

    Then added three more
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

  4. #4


    That's kinda how it goes, you start with two, and it's a lot of fun. Then you start thinking, "what could I do if I had a full party?"

  5. #5


    I bought my 1st second account in 2001 playing EQ. Then added 5 more to fill out my own party as my buddies quit the game. Back then I just alt+tabbed everything. I started wow with one account to see if I'd like the game then added 4 more after I level capped my first toon. I discovered this site and keyclone and thought holy shit this might work. Then Lax showed up with ISBoxer making everything a hell of a lot easier. I like to log on and off whenever I want and do whatever I want so I need my own party.

  6. #6


    I play 1-5 box. Doing well with all of them.
    The Internet: We Know Drama
    If you're gona screw with my sig at least leave the thing bolded :P

  7. #7


    Used 2 box, how I started, had quite a few alts before then, and then had more ideas of what I "could" do if I had more accounts, especially for instances if your mount farming, its handy to have a few accounts as your not going to have to share that /roll on a really rare mount drop.

    Awesome for boxing professions, especially JC x5 lol and DE
    Alchemy when truegold was profitable etc

    But yeh, now I have 7 accounts... tho I am possibly closing 1-2 off, and keeping the solid 5.

    never ever could I go back and play 1 account.

    Only time i am really actually using 1 account is when I am raiding on my main, with my guild... and thats just a few hours, few times per week.

    Its just to damn good, to have multi-accounts and do things without idiots in the way, or being disruptive etc

  8. #8


    I've been mostly dual-boxing up until recently. Wrath I leveled a couple of pairs to 80, Cata was 4 pairs and only 1 solo toon. First time that I've not leveled my way through an expansion solo to begin with. I've tended to just dual-box for leveling purposes and occasionally I've used my second account to bring a leeching player along when my guild only had 9 players for a raid. My performance on multiple toons is never as good as a single one (and usually the toon I'm bringing along isn't set up to dual-box with the one I'm raiding with, something I keep meaning to work on for the future), I have tried a few LFRs with two toons, but my relatively poor performance bugs me and I've not been that interested in raiding on my alts so I've not been motivated to do that regularly.

    I tried 5 boxing a while ago, but couldn't afford to keep the other accounts going. Recently I've been able to subscribe for a couple of months and the various free trials have given me quite a bit of play time on my team. Currently level 82 and I'm having an absolute blast with them. It's great fun being able to complete dungeons on my own, although I'm not sure how well I'm going to fare with heroic mechanics.

    I'm not sure if I will continue with 5 accounts for MoP or if I will cut back to two. I think it mostly will come down to whether I can afford to play 5. The idea of having 5 classes to choose from right from the start is very appealing, although I think I would level my main (maybe +1) through questing so I can experience the content, rather than take 5 up dungeon leveling and then come back to the quests.

  9. #9


    Well I'm starting with 2 LOL in fact I'm starting this week, still looking into it, but already got 2 accounts.... let's see how it goes... the plan is 5 accounts, but I wanna see if I'm up for this multibox thing first!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
    Blog Entries


    Two certainly works well, as an initial test.
    Start with one, and RAF invite yourself.

    That gets you RAF on both accounts, assuming you level toons together who are fairly close in levels.
    Call the first account A, and the newer one B.

    If you decide to move up to five.
    You can have RAF on all of the accounts quite easily.
    Most likely, your best booster will be an existing toon on the first account.
    But between A/B, whichever one has the best booster will be the account in the three link chain:

    A > C > D
    B > E
    With "A" boosting BCDE.
    C/D and B/E, each have an RAF link... or toon of about the same level that they're grouped with, while "A" boosts them.
    And because A is part of the A/C/D chain, they'll receive granted levels, the free month, the RAF mount, etc...
    You could do this secondary RAF stuff, months later; all five accounts will have RAF, starting with two.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

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