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  1. #1

    Default Next PVP team: Warlocks?

    All my PVE teams are on hold and I'm having a blast in with 4 frost Dks and an interesting time with 4 enhance Shaman, although the shaman are still gearing and haven't hit any 5v5s yet. I was wondering what to do next.

    I was thinking that 4 Warlocks might be fun for casters.. I've only boxed 1 Warlock in a mixed team and it's always been Destro.

    Since I don't know much at all about the other specs can anyone offer and advice about what spec might be best/most fun x4?

    Demo for demon-form and aoe pet attacks
    Affliction for dots?
    is seed powerful in Affliction?

    What do you think?

    PVE and PVP teams on Lightninghoof-US (lvl 70+)

  2. #2


    Disc priest\4 demo locks are quite fun to BG with.

  3. #3


    Demo would definitely cause the biggest damage when you can pop CD's, probably most fun aswell. Besides that Meta gives you armor -> survivabilty, something warlocks lack pretty hard.

    If you're gonna box them, be prepared for rogues/warriors/ferals ripping you to pieces. If a warlock doesn't have 2k+ resi I can kill them witihin a 9sec stunlock on my feral. They're REALLY squishy.

  4. #4


    So Demo has the most survivability? Is that just because of metamorphosis? I may try demo and affliction and see how it goes.

    PVE and PVP teams on Lightninghoof-US (lvl 70+)

  5. #5


    I boxed 3 demo warlocks from bc until wotlk and it was simply too much fun. In fact, you can now use your CDs to "stunlock" almost any class.

    Imagine: rogue jumps you from stealth, you stuns him with felguard axe toss, now if you time it right, your stun wears off sooner, so you can right away fear the rogue or death coil him, pop meta,immo aura and felstorm, hand of guldan and the rogue is almost dead. you can round robin axe toss too, so mr. rogue, death within stunlock - here you go :-)

    without these CDs you are dead pretty much always... sad but true
    Last edited by johny_mnemonic : 08-31-2011 at 04:00 AM

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