The old thread didn't have a super descriptive post title, so cross-posting my video here in case people are doing a forum search later.

Strat/Blog post:

My talents (at the time of this video - heavy mitigation/raid tanking):


Health: 11.3k
Mana: 4.6k
Strength: 209
Agility: 130
Stamina: 811
Intellect: 133
Spirit: 95
Armor: 12203
(Holy) Spell Damage:257
Armor: 12203
Defense: 475
Dodge: 15.56%
Parry: 16.23%
Block: 19.39%

Buffs: (SELF BUFFS ONLY - you can literally solo the instance)

Righteous Defense
Blessing of Sanctuary
Retribution Aura
The "wall of text" that prompted me to make a video instead...
Cathedral is the best for leveling, since you can do it in 3 pulls with "meh" gear. The first pull is the bottom courtyard. Run down the hallway, skipping mobs if you feel like it, and gather up all the mobs in the bottom courtyard. I usually go down the right far side, right middle, left middle, left far side, then head back into the hallway and gather up all the mobs. If you sit inside a windowsill, you'll line of sight the casters into getting close and melee'ing you. The lowbies can stay at the loading area.
2nd pull is the upper courtyard. Leave the lowbies at the right stairs (be careful -- there's a pat) and do the same thing -- upper right side, middle right and grabbing the guys by the door, left middle, left far side, and hten run THROUGH the fountain and jump onto the middle level of the stairs. If I jump correctly, I can get a Gift of the Naaru (dranei racial) or a heal off before they start hitting me again. Consecrate on the middle section of the stairs, and use the upper and lower stairs to line of sight the casters once they run away so they get back into melee range.
3rd pull is the easiest -- aggro the boss. He'll pull the entire room to you. Leave the lowbies at the very edge of the fountain's watermark and pull the mobs JUST outside the door (to line of sight the casters). Do not dps Mograine until you've killed most of the healers first. If you don't have reckoning, parrying the mobs alone will make it so you have reckoning-like speed since it resets your swing timer, which will help you obliterate the healers. Once healers and most mobs are down, kill mograine, which brings out Whitemane. WHITEMANE CAN MC YOUR LOWBIES so be careful!! Kill all teh wizards first -- they will aoe your lowbies if you're unlucky. Spreading out your lowbies will help prevent this, as they only aoe if more than one enemy is in range. By the time whitemane is at enough health to rez mograine, all the remaining mobs will be dead. Kill the two bosses somewhere where it's easy to loot them and you're done.