Thank you for contributing this movie. I quite enjoyed it.
Nice clean UI too, BTW.
Nice work, you seem to have some good target switching down, although you did let that healer live too long in that BG.
Nice man, some pretty awesome ownage. Well played. Curious to see how high you can get in 5's. Good luck!
PS: original vocal's from the sierra leone track: Pretty fun to listen to it when you know the remix.
Dude, that made me cry because it was so awesome. Thank you. I like the UI cleanness. Not that I would choose that 100% of the time, but if Blizzard or UI makers let us do Full and Minimal, I would love that. I love the music. I like seeing the people on your team and the opposing team. Lots of times UIs don't show what they are fighting. Sure other people killed a boss or a group of mobs or something, but I can't tell how fast they are dying or if they got healed, etc. Only thing is it might help me understand more about how I would do if you mentioned your skill (arena rating) and strength (gear). It means less/more if you are 2600 rated in all top gear beating on lesser people or if you are average geared and able to hold your own in a PVP fight.
I don't get the Mount Eden reference either.
Sorry maybe I should get off of my high-horse.
I spend a lot of my time devoted to the Dubstep scene and every time I see someone use a Mt Eden track, I die a little inside. Mt Eden is a duo from New Zealand who rip popular songs, add generic wobble on top and upload them to YouTube and before you know it, 4million views. They're the most hated Dubstep related producers in the whole of the real Dubstep scene (and by Dubstep scene, I mean scene, not noobs going Dubstep? Yeah I like that band).
Mt Eden - Seirra Leone is the tune used in this video.
Cool vid, Cool UI, Shit song.
<Autobots Roll Out>
The massive difference between dubstep and Mt Eden for me is that I like Mt eden and dislike most Dubstep. For example Skrillex's scary monsters and nice sprites. I hope you agree that IS dubstep? Which is a massive difference in music compared to Mt Eden. I'm not really into Skrillex's music, prefer the more melodious and softer music, which isn't hardcore dubstep at all. So I get your point. Dubstep is quite a hype atm, so people use the 'dubstep' reference for commercial purposes. Eventhough a lot of people don't think it's dubstep. Same with 'dubstep' songs that hit the top 40. Those are very soft Dubstep songs aswell. In the end: Everyone their own taste.
Conclusion of the topic so far: Make more vid's RestrainT Even if it's with movie maker. Tbh, it makes movies simple and clean. Nothing wrong with that.
Last edited by Littleburst : 06-23-2011 at 02:13 PM
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