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  1. #1
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    Default Which 5x Healer team has the most offense?

    I'm looking to mess around with a team for the role of support in battlegrounds.
    I doubt this team would participate in arena or rated battlegrounds, as a team.
    Probably run them 1-boxed for conquest points, each week.

    From the point of view of normal battlegrounds.
    Primarily the larger battlegrounds like: AV, IoC or SotA.

    In your opinion, which set of 5x Healers would have the most effective offensive pressure?
    I'm fairly sure, playing support and sticking with the largest group of players, any set of 5x Healers can heal reasonably well.
    For simplicity, I'd be sticking with five of the same class.

    a) Disc Priest
    b) Holy Priest
    c) Resto Druid
    d) Shockadin Pally
    e) Resto Shaman
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

  2. #2


    Shockadin Pally does some serious damage, but their lack of AoE heals is unfortunate. Although I guess with 5 healers it wouldn't matter.

    5 healers on one target seems like overkill.

    I dunno. I'd reevaluate this idea.
    I triple box on Arthas(US-PvP) and Magtheridon(US-PvP)
    I also have solo toons on Turalyon(my main raider) and Destromath

  3. #3


    Werent you going to try a shockadin group? That would be my guess.

    If youre planning on only healing, I also think holy priests would also be difficilt to kill since youd have 5x prayer of mending, circle of healing, prayer of healing, and lightwell. Disc priests would have pain suppression and penance but would be missing circle of healing and lightwell. You might miss a pally bubble but it will probably be dispelled anyway.

    When i get all my priests up, i plan to do this same thing.

  4. #4
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    I've got Shockadins at 56th or 57th.
    And Priests at 75th, which could go Holy or Disc.
    Shammies and Druids are 80th and 85th, respectively.

    Really, not that hard to get any of them to 85th and start the Honor Grind.
    The Honor Grind is twice as long, as going from 1st to 85th.
    But if they've got decent offense and decent healing, it might not be too bad of a process.

    Not overly happy with the changes to Feral Druids.
    At the moment, any AoE fear or root screws the class over.
    They can trinket once, and then have no cooldowns against any CC effect.
    Plus they're vulnerable to two extra CC's in Feral.
    One Rogue could already be a royal pain in the ass; add a lot of single classes to that list.

    Basically, they're not fun to play; hopefully Blizzard reverts a change or throws them another bone.
    In the meantime...

    Going Boomkin is an option, or even a mix of Resto + Boomkin, but I'm looking at healers as a drastically different approach to the game.

    Trying to find a composition that is fun to play, to see if there is a point in renewing the accounts mid-March.

    In a typical battleground, there is a disproportionate number of DPS and a lack of healers.
    Playing support, in the larger BG's will probably be larger influence on the result than playing DPS.
    Not sure if it will be overly fun or not.

    Their healing ability, is a consideration too.
    A lack of AoE healing is a strike against Shockadins.
    But I like a plate healer, with a shield, divine protection and bubble; survivability is a big plus for them too.

    I'd like the DPS (of 5x Healers) to be able to kill 4-5 players (or at least be a threat to do so) who arrive to contest Gold Mine at the start of an AB.
    Chances are 5x Healers, will be rather hard to kill.

    Resto Shaman: Shocks, Lightning Bolt, Fire Elementals.
    Resto Druid: Wrath/Starfire, Insect Swarm, Moonfire.
    Holy Pally: Holy Shock, Exorcism, Divine Favor.
    Disc Priest: Smite, Penance, Mindblast, Devouring Plague, SW: Pain, SW: Death.
    Holy Priest: Same as Disc, but no Penance and more AoE heals.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

  5. #5


    I did the vanilla honor grind as a holy priest and loved it. People are generally very appreciative of healers in pvp. Like you said, there is an abundance of dpsers. Healers are able to make a huge impact in bgs because nobody there wants to heal.

    I dont know what kind of dps priests do at 85. You forgot to mention they have fear ward. I cant remember the cooldown but it cant be more than 3 minutes. Your leader could be unfearable with that on round robin. I think you also forgot binding heal. With A targeting B targeting C, etc thats a very fast heal. Its better than penance with no CD. Also, priests have so many aoe heals you would be unkillable except by a coordinated team using vent. Theyd have to cc your entire team. I think in bgs, aoe heals outweigh a dispellable bubble. Theyre also less situational. Can they dps like a shockadin? No, but they sure can heal and thats whatbyou want to do. And if you want to cap objectives, nobody can stop you. You can kill a few people with priests but your obvious strength will be healing.

    I think of it this way: is a bubble going to save me from a situation where 5 of the best healing class in the game cant keep me alive? Probably not.

    If you cant tell, i like priests.

  6. #6


    As for pwshield, wouldnt it be more mana efficient to just heal through the dmg. With five who cares about pushback. Holy priests have so many heals it wouldnt it be easier to just heal through the damage?

    I just reread your initial post, Ualaa. You said you wanted offensive capability. Holy priests are probably only offensive in the sense that you can keep dpsers alive through just about anything. If you want to be able to attack groups i guess you have to take he shockadin. If you want to primarily heal, id pick the priests. They dont have plate or a shield but who can lock down all five simultaneously while theyre spamming aoe heals in an emergency.

    Paladins are probably more versatile than priests because you can tank in av or switch to ret for more dps. But if healing is your goal i would do the priests.

    I would not do druids simply because you already have them and it seems like you want to do something different. Switching specs might not be different enougn for you. If it was, you probably would have done that already.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ualaa View Post
    Really, not that hard to get any of them to 85th and start the Honor Grind.
    The Honor Grind is twice as long, as going from 1st to 85th.
    OMG, really? You just killed my motivation to get to 85

  8. #8


    I'd go with druids, since they're the most effective healers to have 5 from imo. Priests will rely heavily on their Power Word: Shield, which has no use to have 5 priests for. Shaman is second for me.

  9. #9
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    Ultimately, it is a combination of these three factors:
    - How much DPS can you put out, because sometimes there will be no one else supporting.
    - How strong are your single target heals, your raid/aoe healing and the buffs you have available.
    - How resistant to being killed are your toons, in a 5x same class environment.

    Druids have the advantage of already being 85th.
    Some of their Feral Honor gear can be used as Resto, but most of it will likely be worse than a few hours of quest green gear in Twilight Highlands (have not done any quests there with the Druids).
    Could possibly spare two talent points for Cat Speed + 4x Feral PvP bonus (Cat/Bear/Travel +Speed); and stealth can be good at times.

    Priests can glyph Fear Ward, making it one minute duration, one minute cooldown.
    And then mass dispel any aoe fear.
    I have had marginal success with that; making them stronger vs AoE fear than Pallies/Druids but weaker then Shammies.
    I really liked the Cata changes to Disc Priests, during the 68-75 level up process.

    Pallies so far have nothing for AoE heals, except perhaps their Cone heal (last point in Holy).
    Everything I've read suggests it is fairly useless.
    I already have the Pallies set to heal their Focus if they have a Focus, and can independently set their focuses; so while there isn't the AoE heals, they can single-target heal five different toons in a mass melee.
    And receive fairly decent self heals in the process.
    One school of magic for all offense/defense is a detraction; the lack of Holy Resist is a huge plus.

    Anyone know if the Tremor Totem is party-wide or raid-wide?
    I don't like the general lack of mobility, and the need to be a turret.
    But Tremor (if it is raid wide) is near fear immunity.
    Grounding on round-robin is spell protection.
    Fire Elementals every 5 minutes has always rocked in battlegrounds.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Ualaa View Post
    Fire Elementals every 5 minutes has always rocked in battlegrounds.
    Don't forget that now you can pop 5x earth ánd 5x fire elemental at the same time. It's pretty mayhem in combination with fire nova & chain lightning (as ele). For 'lols' I've off specced my 5x shaman resto, and did a couple of AV's with them. Round robin healing from the main with an assist macro. It was big fun, but saying i'd want to run all the time in this spec .. no way.
    Everything that is fun in life is either bad for your health, immoral or illegal!

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