Yeah I went back last night, backed them up in that wedge and kept the tank out of most of the cyclones and he went down like a champ. I did chug the resist potion on all five before the fight because I knew I was going to miss a few taunts on the breath and it also seemed to lighten my load. It took me probably five tries on the very last guy before I got used to his patterns. I ended up going into ISboxer and making the space button transparent instead of Ctr+space like I normally use and made it go to all five instead of just my off screen four and that made a huge difference. When DBM shows the countdown to the root ability I just started jumping three seconds early and keep going until it landed to account for lag. My DPS suffered but the rest of his damage was pretty trivial. I didn't have much of any problem on the trash, four hexes man is the way to go because I only had one running loose in most situations.