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  1. #5


    In Normal

    General Husam - A lot of gathering all my guys up and moving. Stay away from the mines. They are yellow disks he drops on the ground that explode in suckiness. They have a decent delay before exploding, so I just round all my guys up and move someplace clear. Same thing after he pins someone on the post. Shockwave has a long delay and an effect where you can see where it will go off. It moves out in an X from him. Just gather everyone up and move them between the little rumbling smoke clouds that indicate the path of Shockwave.

    High Prophet Barim - Phase1 - DPS until you see the glowy beam on the ground....move away from the beam. Phase2, He'll suck everyone, stun, then spit out shadow versions of your team. Gather everyone up and get them away from his dome of owie.

    Phase2 - Kill the bird. When Soul Fragments come up, kill the soul fragments then go back to killing the bird. Adding /tar Soul /cleartarget [dead] to your macros make this easy.

    Phase3, same as 1.

    Augh - Doesn't matter, he only sticks around for about 10%.
    Lockmaw - Dispell the poison, gather/Kill the little crocks {/tar Frenzied /cleartarget [dead] } so they don't eat your healer and dps, Stay out of the dust cloud and avoid Augh who likes to come through and wreak havoc.

    Siamat - Asspain. He's hit or miss depending on if he bounces my team off the damned platform in the transition phase.

    Phase1 - He's Immune and summons elementals. Kill the elementals, obviously, but you have to watch out for the White and Green Swirlies on the ground. I know the greens drop when an elemental dies, but I'm not sure about the whites. During this phase, I use Follow Strobing in Jamba to keep everyone together. Get the elmentals down to almost dead and let dots kill them if you can while you run to a safe spot so you don't get nailed by a swirlie and can conserve mana for heals in Phase2.

    Transistion - Try to get towards the middle of the platform before the transistion starts. You can still cast instant spells in this phase. If you have Spiritwalker's Grace or something else you can use to cast heals while moving, now's the time to use it.

    Phase2 - DPS the CRAP out of Siamat. Ignore the adds, burn your cooldowns, drop grounding totems if you have em, use damage reduction cooldowns if you have em. Watch out for swirlies of suck.
    Last edited by Khatovar : 12-29-2010 at 03:18 AM
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